1999-2000 Yearbook

Jay Larson, sen ior, leads the Thundering Herd marching band during the half-t ime ceremonies of a home football game. Larson. amusic major, has been the band's Drum Majo r si nce the fall of 1998. Not on ly did Larson lead the band during half-rime performances at football games and ar parades. he was also responsible for rh e overa ll appea ran ce and maintenence of rhe band , irs members and their instruments. Larson has an impress ive back ground in marching band performance, which led him to become a music major and later the leade r of the Thundering Herd. As if being in charge ofa band was not enough , Larson was also involved in a number of other activities, including assisst ing in th'~ CampusMi nistryoffice with Dwight and Ba rbie Smith. This year t he band also had a second drum major - Emi ly Smith, juni or music education major. Smir h's main rask rhis year was to learn the skills necessary to lead a coll egiare band. Jason J ameS-Davenport, Iowa, Psychology. Transfer (Universiry of Iowa). Circle K. Club beau. Dena JarviS-lawrence, Kan. Hiswry. American Studies. Dean's List. Honors Association. International Studies (HUF). Shantih . Mic hael J e nkinS-Hawkins, Texas. Computer Science. Band (Marching) . Club Beau (OEGE). Club Officer. King's Men. Jamie J e nnings-Jonesboro, Ark. Fashion Merchandising. KoJo Kai. Stephe n J e rkinS-Memphis, Tenn . Communication! Management. Inlern:Hional Studies (HUF). Titans. Brya n Jobe- Ea rly, Teltas. Public Relations. Club Beau. Concert Choir. Dean's List. Campaign (Scotland). Bison Staff. Delta Chi Ddla. B e n Johnson-Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada. Graphic Design. Kappa Pi. Red Brick Studios. American Studies. Club Beau. Dean's List. Chi Sigma Alpha. Erin J ohn SOn -Car rollwlJ, Texas. Elementary Education. Student Impact. Youth Corps. Campaigns (New Zeland). Delta Gamma Rho. Holly JohnSon- Burtonsville, Md. Mathematics. Phi Eta Sigma. International Studies (HUG). D~n's List. Shantih. Josh Johnson-New Palestine, Ind. Public Accounting. Accounting Society. Intramurals. College Republicans. TNT. Martina Johnson -Teltarkana, Ark. Child Development. Regina. Wendy Joice-Searcy, Ark. Special and Elementary Education. Council fo r Exceptional Children. D~n's List. Kappa Delta Pi. Delta Gamma Rho. Audra Jones- Seascy, Ask. Intesior DesignfAn. Transfe r (Universi ty ofCenml Arkansas). Daniel JOneS-Tuscaloosa, Ala. Biology. Alpha Chi. Club Beau. Intramurals. Devita. Ame rican Studies. Jody Jones-Sulphur Springs. Texas. Mathematics. Dean's List. ImercoUegiate Athletics (Foolhall). Thera Tau Odta. T onya JoneS-Sulphur Springs, Texas. Communication Disorders. Club Qu«n. Dean's List. Intramurals. SSHA. Seniors 103