1999-2000 Yearbook

PholO by Jaren Page lance Langston, a junior from Bald Knob, Ark, sits in the student center with Micah Giffo rd, junior. Like Langston, many com~ muter students made a long trip each day to attend Harding. M elissa G lasgOW-Nashville,Tenn. Elementary Ed. Orchestra. University Singers. Kappa Gamma Epsilon. W ill Goddard-Des Moines, Iowa. PhysiCS/Computer Science/Math. Dean's List. GeDanken Society. Lauren GodseY-Nonh Litde Rock, Ark. Health Care Management. American College of HealthCare Executives. Club Queen . De:m's List. SAM. Ju Go Ju. Cand ice Goff-Paragould, Ark. Graphic Design . Campaigns Oamaica). Campus Ministry. lntern:ltional Studies (HUF). HonorsAssociation. Dean's List. Chi Omega Pi. Jeffrey GOff~Lindenhurst , Ill. Campaigns (Denver). Intramurals. College Republ icans. Knights. LeighAnn GOOden-Fort Smith, Ark &erciseScience. Transfer (WJliam Woods Univers ity). Campaigns (Chicago). Circle K Health Science Club. Pre-Moo Club. Resident Assistant. SAC. N icole GOrdey-Taliahassee, Fla. Math. Transfer (Faulkner Un ivers ity). Circle K. Jonathan Gorham-Worcester, Mass. Bible. Alpha Chi Malachi . Campaigns (Vena uela, St. Loui s). Dclca.Chi Delta. N iko lai Gorlovski -Tallinn, Estonia. Economics. Knights. Charley G raham-Russel lvill e, Ark. Biochemisuy. GeDanken Society. Alpha Chi . Health Science Club. Dean's List. American Studies. TNT. Ch ris£), Graham-Germantown, Ten n. Marketing. Club Queen. Class Officer. American Marketing Association. Omicron Delta Kappa. Pi Sigma Epsilon. Zeta Rho. Wendy Green-Mesquite, Texas. Nursing. Campaigns (Australia, Guyana, Africa). Delta Gamma Rho. Brooke G reenway-BanJesvilIe, Okla. Business/Marketing. American MarketingAssociation. Delta Gamma Rho. Roy Greenway-Bartlesville, Okla. Biochemistry. Amerian Studies. Inuamurals. Alpha Chi. GeDanken Society (Vice President). TNT. Rachel GriggS-Cabot, Ark. Speech Pathology. Campaigns (Australia, Guyana). SSHA (Treasurer). Student Impact. R.A. Delta Gamma Rho. Leann G rOSe-Cincinnati,Ohio. Marketing. Oem's List. Chi Omega Pi. 100 People HundredsofH ardingsrudents made the commure (Q school every morning - before the, majo rity o f res ident students were even out of their beds. The commuringsrudenrs came from locations as close by as Kensen and as far away as Little Rock. T o exami ne the adva nt ages a nd di sadvan tages o f commuting, several students were asked (Q share thei r opin ions of the travel. "The drive from Li t tle Rock can be painstaking at times, but it's worth the money that I save by commut ing," Jeff Campbell , junior, said. Students, some o f wh ich had hour long drives ahead of them, found it nearly impossib le to retu rn home during schoo l hours. "I have (Q stay on campus all day depending if! have a nigh t class," Silvano Titto(Q, graduate student, said. "I fi nd it hard to relax duri ng a long day." Many students who commuted did not have such arduous d rives ahead of them. Students li ke Erica McDan iel , sen ior from Kensett, Ark., we re able to go home th roughout the cou rse of the day ro eat o r just ro relax. "It's a shorr drive, so I'm able to come home for lunch between classes," McDaniel said. Some may wo nder how these commuting students made those long trips every mo rning. "I enjoy the drive in the early morn ing; it prepares me fo r the long day." Laura Whi te, senior from Cabot, Ark., said. Whether from Kensenor Little Rock, commuter studen ts wem that extra mile to starr their day. -Alan Seim