1999-2000 Yearbook

96 Edward Christophe r -Sc:m:y,Ark. Biblical Languages. Dean's List Carme n Clark-Antoine, Ark. Social Science. Club Queen. Dean's Li st . Phi Eta Sigma. Tri Kappa. N icola C lark-Calgary, AJbem, Canada. Psychology. Psi Chi. Dean's List. International Studies (HUG) . Club Queen. Campaigns (Houston). Zeta Rho. Ryan C lay-Sc:m:y, Ark. Kinesiology. Tr:tn.sfer CASU-Beebe). H eath e r C lem ent-Taylorsville, Ky. Communication Disorders. SSHA. Campaigns (Finland, Hungary). Dean's List. Kappa Gamma Epsilon. Matthew Cline-Carthage, Mo. Sales. Campaigns. American Marketing Association. TNT . A ron Coffee-Rogers, Ark. Accounting. AccountingSociety. Kris tin Coleman -Alma, Ark. Spanish. Spanish dub. Campaigns (Venezuela, Nicaragua). Who's Who. SA Committee, SpirilUal Life. SA Class Rep. James Carr St:fVice Award. Delta Gamma Rho. Mel inda Conlin-cotl:l.ge Grove, Minn. Soci:tl Work. Innamurals. Social Work Club. Chi Omega Pi. Aaron Conner-Bedford, Ind. Youth and Family Ministry/ChriS[ian Education. Club B(;I;u. D(;I;n 's LiS[. University Singers. S(;I;rcy Singers. King's Men (Officer). Rachel ConnOrS-Horseheads, N.Y. Psychology/Music. Campaigns (Let's Start Talking, Belgium, New Hampshire). Vni"ersil}' Chorus. Psi Chi. Dean's List. Kev in Cook-Georgetown, Texas. Professional Sales. Transfer (Eastfidd Community College). lntramurals. Pi Sigma Eps ilon. SAt\-!. AJpha Tau Epsilon. S hannon Coope r- Rogersville, Ala. Bible/Math. Campaigns. Youth Corps. R.A. TNT. C hris tie Corley-Benton, Ark. Biology. Campaigns Qamaica). Devita. Chi Omega Pi . S h awn a COUlter-Fairbanks, Alaska. Psychology. Psi Chi. Resident Assimnt. GATA. Katrina CoUrSOn-Beamsville, Ontario, Canada. Marketing. American Marketing Association. JOY. Shantih. Campaigners Bl1!j lets start talking'about Goo Luk Brazle, junior, Miranda laBrecque and Rebekkah Brazle, freshmen, play guitar for thei r English students as part of the Let's Start Talking program. People Mark andSheny Lee Woodwardwould have never guess<Xi 20 years ago thar their desire to teach English and Christianity in Gennany would evolve into a worldwide ministry involving thousands ofChriStians, including hundreds ofmissionaries. Today, Let 'S Start Talking (LST) , a Church of Christ outreach program that teaches the Bible through English conversatio n classes, is popular with chose whowishtoparticipareinswnmercampaigns, according to Rachael Conno"" senior. In fact, for the past several years Harding students h ave participated for six w eeks each summer in the program. '''This program has developed intOa big nUnisay all over theworld," Conno", said. The lSf program only requires that all workers use English as their first language andaremembersoftheChurchofChrist. All workersmusthavesomeworkingknowledge of the English language and do not need to know any other languages. "I grew up in Belgium as a missionary's kid, and I really wanted to go back there," Luke Brazle, freshman,said. "It is amazing to watch people learn about God." S ince Brazle introduced her to the program. Connors has spent twO summers participating in lSf in Belgium and helped crain teams preparing to go last swnmer. The program has proven worthwhile, according to Connors. "Ihavetaughtpeopleofallages,"Conno", said,"and even though you never knowwho youaregoingtogettO teach,Godahvaysputs you with exactly who you need to be with." - Elizabeth R Smith