1999-2000 Yearbook

2000 Petit Jean Dedication: Clara Carroll Harding maintains a standard of excellence and spirituality that pervades evety aspect of this school. Nowhere are these qualities more evident than in the teachers on campus; they stimulate our minds and touch our hearts in their efforts to give students a solid academic and spiritual fo undation. Dr. Clara Carroll, assistant professor of education and director of professional field studies, is one of those teachers who has worked tirelessly to prepare student~ for their careers. "She is concerned about preparing us as teachers, for having families and for knowing how to budget our time," Erin Elliott, senior, said. "She's shown thafyou can do it all. " Carroll came to Harding as a full-time professor in 1997 and was soon appointed head of the student teaching program. She is the wife ofCharles Carroll and has two daughters. Before her employment at the University, Carroll worked as a kindergarten teacher as well as in several other teaching positions. Her extensive experience and enthusiasm for teaching are evident in her classes, according to Missy Suggs, senior. "She's really practical ," Suggs said. "She's had experience in the schools, so she knows what works. " A large part ofCarroll 's impact on her students comes from the sincerity she portrays. She motivates her students to succeed through her own honest effort. "She works hard to make evetybody happy," Christina Swinrlle, senior, said. "She inspires me to be a better teacher." "She wants the best for her students," Elliott said. "It's not just a job for her." Dr. Clara Carroll and Dr. Betty Watson, professor ofeducation. visit before chapel. Oct. 27. Carroll was one of the teachers who helped motivate srudents to come (0 chapel through her own anendance. Dr. Clara Carroll talks withJenny Behel, senior, during rhe School ofEducarion seminar, Ocr. 22. Carroll 's duries extended beyond the classroom seming into evaluati ng student teachers and partici pating in seminars (0 help education students bener understand their responsibilities. 6 Dedication