1998-1999 Yearbook

Students hangout in theHammond Student Center between classes. Created for the sole purpose ofbeing aplace for students to hang out, it may be too small to facilitate the growing campus. The Student Center was often filled with students after chapel where it was almost impossible toget through the crowd. Between students checking club boxes and those getting a quick bite to eat, it was hard for passersby to get through to actually reach their destination. Many avoided the Student Center, especially in themorning because of the large number of students visiting on the steps or checking their mail. "[ like hanging out in the student center because if" is a great place to see my friends and grab something to eat at the same time," junior Kelly Moody said. "But sometimes it really is a pain when you practically have to use a laser gun to get through all thepeople crowding aroundthe club boxes or the steps. " The best thing to do to avoid crowds was to avoid the student center altogether, but students will continue to hang out in the student center- after all that is why it was created. • 94 James Eden· St. Nary's, W. Va. Sara Jo Edens - Oregon, Ohio Andrea Edington - Van Buren, Ark. Jenny Edmondson · Cabot, Ark. eodie Edwards - I'lt. Pleasant . Texas Cory Edwards - Tahlequah, Okla. Kati e Edwards - Searcy, Ark. Amy England - Jackson, Tenn. Natalie Ennis - Franklin. Tenn. Paul Erwin - N. Little Rock, Ark. Ben Etheridge -Summersville. s.c. Amanda Evans - Nebo, Ky. Billie Evans - Harleysyille. Pa. Erin Evans - Kerrville, Teus Sean Evans - Hutchinson, Kan. Kim Ewing - Brentwood. Tenn. Ke lli Fager - Monticello, 111. Paige Fairley - Osceola, Ark. PEOPLE