1998-1999 Yearbook

Sophomore Summer Daniel, dressedas an ostrich for theHomecoming musical Peter Pan, happily greets area elementary children at the special afternoon showing. Students do a show for children each year to thank the community for its support. Students prepared for Homecoming, which gave alumni the opportunity to return to see Harding Universityandits changes. Students tried out, practiced and performed a musical each year to honor those who previously attendedHarding and to show off the talent of those who were students at the,.time. This year's musical production was Peter Pan, which includedmany special effects, such as flying characters and a laser Tinkerbell. Although the cast consisted mainly ofHarding students, they were also blessedwith the talent ofarea kids who played the lost boys. The children 's roles were not as formal as other roles but were enjoyed by cast members. Erin Harrington - Thousand Oaks, Calif. Political Science. Dean's List. Honors Association. International Studies (HUE). Phi Eta Sigma. Delta Gamma Rho. Cari Harris - Walla Walla, Wash. ~1anagement. Dean's List. College Republicans. Pi Sigma Alpha. SAr.l. Chi Omega Pi. Michelle Harris - St. Louis, Mo. Child Development. AAFCS. Jeffrey Harsh· Harmony, Penn. Mathematics. Campaigns (Jamaica). Dean's List. Kappa Delta Pi. TEACH. Pi Kappa Epsilon. Russe ll Hawki ns -Tecumseh. Nith. Business f.lanagement. IntTamurals. SAN. Knights. Jessica Haynes - Judsonia, Ark. MathlSpanish Education. Alpha Chi. American Studies. Dean's List, Honors Association. Joy Haynes - Portland, Ore. Psychology. Transfer (Lubbock Christian University). Pied Pipers. Psi Chi. SAC. Student Impact. Student r-lovie Committee. April Hedden - Memphis, Tenn. Biochemistry. Campaigns (Venewela, Chicago). Gedanken Society. Dtan's List. Honors Association. Students for Life. Amy Hefty - Davenport. iowa. PsychologyNocational l'Iinistry. Dtan's List. International Studies (HUF) . Resident Assistant. MaryGlyn Henderson - Dexter, 1-10. Interior Design/Art. American Society of Interior Design. International Studies (HUA). Zeta Rho. Robert Henson - Farmers Branch, Texas. Political Science. Theta Tau Delta. Juan Carlas Hernandez - Guadalajara Ja1isco, 1>\exico. 1>1arketing. ~minoles. Russel Hiatt - Clarksville. Ark. HistoryNocational Ministry. Transfer (Universi ty of Oklahoma). Alpha Chi. Dean's List. Honors Association. Phi Alpha Theta. Knights. Dallas Hi ll - Weatherford, Texas. Elementary Education. Campaigns (Africa ). Dean's Li st. Dramatics. College Republicans. Pied Pipers. Ze ta Rho. David Hill - North Little Rock. Ark. Public Relations. PRSSA. Becky Hinton - Hastings, Neb. Nursing. S ENIORS S9 •