.students encouragec(htjitture success ALPHACHI PROVIDES HONOR, PRESTIGE One of the most prestigious honors clubs on campus is Alpha Chi , a national honor society that allows only the upper 10 percent of juniors and seniors to become members. For Hard ing students, this meant that a junior must ach ieve a 3.85 GPA on 80 semester hours and a senior must achi eve a 3.75 GPAon 104 semester hours. "That a lone makes it a pretty bi g achievement,"senior Barry Jordan said. Membership in Alpha Chi is a great honor . "Of the schools that have an Alpha Chi chapter, there is not a hi gher nat iona ll y recognized honors society," said Dr. Don England, head sponsor. Alpha Chi provided good opportunities for students. "We were able to spend more t imewith our professors ," Jordan said. "For the most part, it is an education and opportunityawareness," Lisa Beth Ligh tsey said. Each year, members ofAlpha Chi attend regional or national conventions. At the convention, students made presentations . "This is an excellent opportunity • 280 Sarah Adkins Nicole Alexander lames Allen Chris Alspach Neil Arnold Brent Bates Audra Beard Carrie Beasley Andrea Belch Becky Bell Joan Collins Bell Angela Berend Ginny Blake Michael Blue Rick Bohannon Aaron Brister Amy Brown Corrie Brown Jeremy Brown Nate Bruns Joshua Carlyle Melanie Castleberg Rebekah Chappel Ne il Chilson Ashley Clements Marcus Crim Brooke Crouse Kelley Curtis ;'1ica Curry Brett Davies Misty Deming Jess ica Dulaney ORGAN IZATIONS for students to get professional experience," England said. "Most of the presentations are not for competition, but some scholarships and fellowships are given." Although the convention was a major activity" for Alpha Chi, members also spent t ime serving others. Each yea r stud ent s determine what service projects theywill do."Thisyeartheyoffered themselves as tutors for loca l schools," England said. The club a lso sponso red an "annual graduate panel of Harding facu lty members who had recently been in graduate school. This isavailable for the entire campus," England said. Framed cert ificates for all graduates with a 4.0 grade point averagewere also provided byAl pha Chi . Alpha Chi provided students with professional experience and gave them opportunit ies to serve. However, more importantly,Alpha Chi was an honor, a way of letting students know that they did well. Itwasapaton theback, recognition for hard work and encouragement for future success. - Diane Grubbs Sherry Stidham stands with her fellow inductees and thinks about what it means to bea member ofAlpha Chi during the CandleofLeaming part ofthe induction ceremony. Alpha Chi was one of the most prestigious honors a col/ege student could obtain.