1998-1999 Yearbook

Chris White andShawn Whitney play Trivial Pursuit while lis tening /0 the soothing sounds ofCollier Daily. The concert was very laid back and encouraged students to just enjoy the music and the company. Tiffany Johnston andErin Broussard play "Secure Yourself' by the Indigo Girls in the student talent show. The talent show was a popular event because it gave students the chance to perform (or their friends. Using his facial expressions (or emphasis, Sinbad tells his audience hilarious stories ofgrowing up with aminister for a fa ther. Known for his clean comedy, Sinbad was invited to come for a second appearance at Harding. SayWhat? "I thought Sinbad was really good, and I kind ofliked how he made fun of dorm life." - Jeremy Thomason, freshman "Because of the laid-back music and the coffee, the climate at the Collier Daily concert was really good for talking with my friends . It was a great way to relax after a stressful week of classes." - Aaron Conner, junior "The Association was pretty cool for an older band. Even though I didn't know many of their songs, I still had a good time ." • 24 STUDENT LIFE - Bekah Cody, freshman Barbara Bailey Hutchison, a threetime Grammy winner, gives the students a good concert. Hutchison was one of the lesser known artists who performed at Harding. Collier Daily, known for his James Taylor·ish sound, plays at the coffee shop concert. Students were treated to songs by the Eagles and Don McLean, as well as Daily's own music.