1998-1999 Yearbook

Many upperclassmen experience changes in DormLife With the passing of time comes greater responsibili ties and certain privileges. Many upperclassmen have experienced some of these privileges in the form of better housing. Students living in the New Married Apartments, Old Married Apartments, Searcy Hall and ail' proved housing have their disadvantages, such as isolation from friends in the dorms . However, most students felt the benefits far outweighed the drawbacks. One of the major attributes noted by the fema le residents was the kitchen. "Being ab le to cook is the best thing about it," senior Searcy Hall resident Angela Berend said. Freedom is another desirable aspect of the apartments. "We do not have to be quiet and there is no room check; that is wonderful," off-campus sophomore David Staggs said. Some students not living in the dorm find living in the campus apartments quieter. lilt is more convenient for studying because roommates can go to bed while others study," junior NewMarried Housing resident Amy Martin said. However, students living in campus housing must still abide by campus curfews and rules. Living in the apartments serves as an intermediary between college life and the adult world. "I feel like an adult and it lets me get away from dorm life," Searcy Hall resident Molly McPherson said. "Living in the apartments gives students that off-campus feel , whi le putting them close enough to campus that they can still walk to most of the events," said New MarriedApartment resident Danna Johnson. One of the concerns of living off-campus or in the apartments is that students may lose touch with their friends. While this is true for some, most believe that it has enhanced their friendships. "It helps build closer relationships because you are more like a family in that you cook and eat together; you share spatulas," said Jeanette Baird, a senior resident of the New Married Apartments. Formany students, the apartments and off-campus housing were /{great experiences." - Diane Grubbs Tassie Bauman Kevin Smith and Angela Berend take time out of their busy schedules to eat ameal together. Many girls took aduantage orSearcy Hall's multi-purpose room and their apartment kitchens to cook for their friends. D ORM LI FE 21