Participation is key to program.'s success Harding's 1998-99 women's intramural program had a successful year, thanks to the large number of participants. Each participant played intramurals for her own personal reasons. Sophomore Kate Rivera said her favorite intramural sport was basketball because "the competition is good and almost everyone that competes has a good attitude and is friendly. " "My favorite spring intramural sport is softball," junior Gretchen Simmons said. "I just love to play softball and, since Harding does not have a collegiate softball team, I play intramural softball." Sophomore Jeana Schweikhard competed in intramura l volleyball and basketball and said her favorite part of participating in intramurals was "getting to interact with all the girls and to be around gir ls that I might not otherwise be around." Freshman Sharon Grove competed in softball and basketball. Grove echoed Schweikhard's sentiments. "Playing intramurals gave me the opportunity to meetother girls, make new friends and play the sports I really like to compete in," she said. An important part of the intramural program was the captains of the intramural teams . The captains served as the leaders and coaches of the teams. Some of their responsibilities included getting all the girls on their team to their games, finding officials to referee the games, making sure that everyone on the team got to play and making sure that eve ryone sh owed good sportsmanship' and had a good t ime. "I liked being a captain. I felt it was my responsibility to make sure everyone enjoyed competing and had fun, " senior Corrie Albright said. "I tried to make sure that everyone on my team showed good sportsmanship and never gave up, no matter what the score was . The hard part of being a captain was getting everyone to show up and be on time, " junior Mendy Smith said. Many of the women who competed in intramurals this year also competed in club sports. Even though both the club program and the intramural program offered the same sports, the two programs were different in their atmosphere and in their approach to competition. "In the intramural games, most of the girl s want to have fun and they want to win, but if they don't, it's O. K., " freshman Tiffany Summers said. - Ryan Puckett "Playing intramurals gave me the opportunity to meet other girls, make new fri ends and play the sports I really like to compete in." • 236 ATH LETICS - Freshman Sharon Grove Sophomore Annika Jacobs shoots a free throw in the women's free throw competition. The women competed in a free throw competition during activities night. ..L' --;''',',;;,:;,-;,;y;''S'alomori""i5lneda