1998-1999 Yearbook

Pat and Deborah Bills readily take directian from ensemble host and hostess director Dottie Frye during a routine Sunday night practice. The ensemble practiced at least eight hours each week to prepare for the big Spring Sing extravaganza weekend in April. "Small in Stature, Big in Faith " was the headline that described Regina Spirit Award recipient, Lonnie "Lonzo··Jones, in the 1985 Petit Jean yearbook. The founder of this award, Dr. Mary Ann Whitaker Harris, initiatedthis tradition in the early 1950s. Pat andDeborah Bills take aminute to pose for the camera while enjoying an afternoon together on the Harding campus. Pat Bills accepts an award presented to him by Amy Thornton, representing Regina social club, (or his ous/anding service /0 others. The Regina Spriri! Award has been given (or many years /0 one male and one female student whom the student body consider to exhibit Christ-like attitudes. ... 198 SOCIA L CLUBS