1998-1999 Yearbook

Dr. Tom Alexander talks with senior Amber Sawyer outside the McInteer building on a sunny fall day. Students and faculty often took advantage ofthe nice weather to catch up on what was happening in their lives. Fieldon Allison, visiting missionary for the 1998-99 year, teaches his class about the daily work ofa missionary. The visiting missionary program was reinstated this year to help future missionaries prepare (or their lives in the mission field. Teachers in the program brought the know/edge gained through personal experience to their classrooms. • 156 Jimmy Allen. Hh.O. Prof. Emeritus Fielden Allison, l\l.A. Visiting Prof. of Nissions Jerry Bowling, Ph.D. Ass' t. Prof. Joe Brumfield, Ed.D. Aua. Prof. Eddie Cloer. D.l\1in. Prof. Ross Cochran, Ph.D. !\sso. Prof. l\tonte Cox,l\I.A. AM't. Prof. & DirJNission Prepare Scot Crenshaw, Ph.D. Ass't. Prof. Shawn Daggett, l'I.Th. Ass't. Prof. Tom Eddins,l\I.Th. Prof. John Fortner, Ph.D. AS50. Prof. Adrian Hickmon. Ph.D. Ass't Prof.IMFT Gordon Hogan. Missionary in Residence Joe Jones, l\1.A. Prof. Bill Lambert. Ed.D. Prof. Dale l\1anor, Ph.D. Asso. Prof. Carl l\titchell , Ph.D. Prof. Lew l\loore . Ph.D. Diri Counsel ing Ctr. & 1>11'1' ACADEMICS , ) 'Wa. .. " Vi..