1998-1999 Yearbook

Home Bible Studies: An alternative to traditional classes For many years, members of the Harding family have conducted Bible studi es in their homes - each one unique and bringing students, faculty and staff closer to one another and to God. This year, more than 900 students chose to attend these studi es. Dr. Lou Butterfield and Dr. Mike James, both professors in the communication department, hosted one of the Bible studi es, which was attended by 25 students. "I feel I am close to the students because we get to spend time together studying the Bible, eating, playing pinball or pool and just talking," James said. Sophomore Heather Ware said of Butterfield 's and James' Bible study, "I liked going to their study because the atmosphere was really good." Junior Christy Henson, who attended the Bible study of Dwight and BarbySmith, said, "I liked the Bible study more than a traditional church service because it was more personal. It was like another family at school. " Barby Smith agreed with Henson. "Home Bible studi es are an even better situation than the adopt-a-student program," she said. "With home Bible studies, students knew theywere invited once a week, and the family knew the student was invited once a week. The student felt like they were a part of the family ." In the Smiths' 14th year of having a Bible study, the size varied between 49 to Summer McCain· Wichita, Kan. Justin McCaulla - Davis, Okla. Wes McCown - Hudson, Ohio Justin McCreary - Wheeling, W. Va. Rachel McCuiston - Fortson, Ca. Kenneth McDanie l - Henderson, Tenn. Jason McClawn - Imperial, !-Io. Alii McGuinness - Vincent, Ohio Rabecca Mclain - Searcy, Ark. Mandy Mclendon - Nagnolia, Ark. Pau l McMullen - Longview, Texas Clint Meadows - El Dorado, Ark. Leigh Meadows - OPD. Ala. Kristi Means - Springhill, La. David Melillo - Danbury, Conn. Vicente Menjivar - San Sal\'ador, EI Salvador Dan Menz - Amelia, Ohio Dave Merchant - Sugarland, Texas • 100 PEOPLE 65 people. "A real strong point of the home Bible study was that it allowed students to ask questions in a non-threatening environment," Smith said. . Bruce Mclarty, the pulpit minister at the College Church ofChrist, has hosted a Bible study for the past seven years . "It was so neat for us to see students come in as freshmen and watch them change and grow and mature," he said. Sandra Bouchareb, the dorm manager for' Searcy Hall, organized a Bible study for women. "The group was for older women and younger women who wanted to learn from each other," she said. "Personally, I like interacting with young women. They have an energy in them that 1 like. 1felt by being a part of this Bible study I could be seen more as who 1 am rather than as a person who enforces rules, " Bouchareb said. Junior Ashley Burton, who attended Bouchareb's Bible study, said, "It allowed a more intimate situation in which to study the Bible. I felt close to the other women there. 1learnedso much from the women who were there, especially the older women because they have been through a lot of the things that we are going through now. " Each person took away his or her own gifts and blessings from the home Bible studi es and, by participating, many feel they learned a lot from the experience. - Meredith Hlasta Nathan Mellor speaks to an eager crowd at President David Burks 'homeBiblestudy. Many students chose to attendthese Bib/estudies becauseofthe close relationships that were built with asmallgroup ofpeople. Others liked them better because of the more convenient times that they met.