1997-1998 Yearbook

Dr.joeP,yoranddaughter, BJ. , enjoythe1997Homecom- BUI LDING 0 N noble ing game. Plyor has been a part 0/ Harding since 1944. Photo by Kristi BunlS. Many of Harding's traditions have kept its values focused on an eternal prize. Traditions in the classroom, on the playing field and on the mission field have helped to maintain the image that the people who started Harding hoped to continue . Classroom traditions have helped to prepare students for the work force. Excellent professors and teachers have helped to achieve this goal. Students come and get the education they desire within a Christian environment. The tradition on the playing field ranges from the grass , the hardwood or the dirt. A change in conferences caused the teams to step up and retain the level of play that has been the tradition at Harding. The intramural tradition also gave Harding that student involvement that not many schools have . Harding would not be Harding without its outreach programs and many mission opportunities during holidays .These programs helped Harding to stand out among other universities. Students stop by to get yogurt or coffee before heading to that late afternoon class. Starbucks Coffee and Chick-Fil-A were new additions to the students ' Student Center choices. Photo by Kristi Bw'ns. Opening 5 t1itr