1997-1998 Yearbook

Glen Adams, Psy.D. Ass't. Prof, Beb . Sci. Kim Baker, M.S.W. Ins/. , 8eb. Sci. Ken Cameron, Ph.D. Asso. Prof, Beb . Sci. Sharen Crockeu, M.S. Prof, Fam. & Cons. Sci., Dir/Early Leaming Ce1ller Ellen Daniel , Ed.D., C.F.C.S. Asso. Prof, Fa",. & Cons. Sci. Debbie Ford, M .S.W. L.C.S.W. Ass'!. Prof, Beb. Sci. Michelle Hammond, M.A. Inst. , Beb. Sci. Ken Hobby, Ph .D. Prof, 8eh. Sci . Kathy Howard, Ed.D. Asso. Prof, Beb. Sci. Dwight Ireland, Ed.D. Prof, Beb . Sci. c:tJepartments provide opportunities that give students a competitive edge J/i'amily and Consumer Sciences One of Harding's Department of Family.and Consumer Sciences' major outreach programs has been the Early Learning Center, which provides Harding students the opportunity to practice what they lea rn in the classroom and give young children a fun learning environment. The Early Learning Cente r, located on the grounds ofHarding Academy, was a joint effort be twee n the department and the Academy. The program was open to children 2 to 5 yea rs o ld . Department chair Dr. El izabeth Wilson said , "It is more than just a day care. It is an early educational experience." The center served as a training fac ili ty fo r stude nts within the department of Fami ly and Consumer Sciences. "All educational fami ly and consumer science majors, child development majorsand pre-nurSing students participate in planning and executing activities," Wilson said. The center was specially designed to provide the best opportunity to begin learning at an ea rly age. "The center gives them an opportuni ty to experi ence good interaction w ith adults in a caring environment where their love of learning is nurtured," Wilson said. One of the primary goa ls of the center is to set the stage for a positive school experience. Scott Crenshaw, assistant professor of Bible and preaching, said he was grateful for the Early Childhood Center. "It is a good fee ling to know that, when we leave our twins in the morning, we 're leaving them with people who care abou t them on an individua l basis," he said. f.iiit 68 Academics In addition to providi ng many benefits for the children enroll ed in the Ea rly Learning Center, Harding students who worked there gained va luable hands-on experience. "The center allows students to translate their classroom theory into hands-on experience," \Vilson said. - Scott Loftis (/3eharioral Sciences Stude nt s in th e Psyc ho logy Department now have an opportunity that forme r students did not. Dr. Ken Hobby, professor of psycho logy, started an advanced research class to he lp psychology students get an edge over students from other universities when applying for doctora l programs. When Hobby came to Harding in 1989, some graduates had a 4.0 grade point average but were not accepted into top doctoral programs because they did not have the needed experi ence in research. "It is very competitive to get into the top doctoral programs, and the advanced research class gave students a better chance of being accepted ," Hobby said. In the spring, students from 14 universities presented their individual research studies to professors and peers at the Arkansas Psychological Symposium. The students were required to formulate their own ideas in an area that inte rested them. They reviewed re lated li tera ture and conducted experiments, then tried to have their results published in a journal. "The advanced research program is one of few programs in the nation where undergraduates can present researchready mate rial ," Hobby said. Senior Jenny Parrott reads with two ch ildren at the Early Learning Center. The center, open to children ages 2 to 5, provided hands-on experience/orstudents in the department 0/ Family and Consumer Sciences. Photo by Kristi Burns. "Hav ing a completed independent study helps us get an edge over other students," senior Robert Argo said. "Not many wi ll complete ind ividual research... Senior Todd Hopkins said, "It's a challenging class, but it's worth taking it to get an edge over others. The research gives us an opportunity to key in on some skills that will be required later. " Last year, four Harding graduates applied to top doctoral programs, and all four were accepted. - Heath Dawson