·BUILDING ON lasting Traditions, like buildings, are built one brick at a time. When new ground is broken and the first brick is laid, it may seem alone and insignificant, but years pass and others build on the a permanent remembrance in students' " lives. New students were added to the Harding family, and friendships were built that will last for eternity. New dreams were instilled in students ' foundation. Each one who lays a brick hearts, forming a vision for their future. sees only a small Each decision block ofstone but, made this year and in his or her heart, each friendship envisions a beau- developed had a - tiful and finished building. And the beauty of building traditions is that purpose, some already evident - where each brick fit into the finished their end is never building was al- AdmillistrationBuilding '-' seen on earth. Unlike buildings, which ready plain. Others were less obvious. are eventually completed and adorned A few bricks sticking out of a wall with roofs and domes , traditions seemed out of place but, as others continue to grow until their eternal continue to build on them, they will consequences are realized. eventually become new wings and Some of the bricks that were laid this extensions .Whether or not the eternal year were the cornerstones of new results of this year's efforts were traditions that we are now building. immediately visible, students somehow New teachers were added to the knew that they had built on Harding's University, and their influence became noble traditions. Copy Editor Wendi Keller Index 273 t1ili