1997-1998 Yearbook

VOLLEYBALL: ~elf -discipline nnproves team The Lady Bison volleyball team suffered many losses this season but worked hard. This was the first year for the Lady Bisons to be a part of the National Collegiate Athletics Association Division II , a big challenge for the young team. Coach Karyl Bai ley ha s worked with the team for 14 yea rs. Highlights of the season for Ha rding included beating Southern Arkansas, Ouachita Baptist and Abilene Christi an and winning the Drury Tournament. "The younger membe rs of the team were able to get a lot of game-time experience that should lead to a good season next year," Bailey said. Senior Hannah Lightfoot, of Ft. Collins, Colo., experienced the changes from the NAIA to NCAA Division II. "Division II was a tota lly different caliber of playing; it was much faster paced," Lightfoot said. "It is hard to finish and not be winning, but it showed me how much I really do love this sport. " The L~dy Bisons were a young team this year, with seven freshmen and four sophomores. "The freshmen have played a vital role in stepping up and have had to make a lot of adjustments. They' have done rea ll y well as freshmen and improved from the beginn ing o f the season to the end," Lightfoot said. Freshman Delana Keilers, of Pasadena, Texas, sa id , "We played well for a young team, but we also made a lot of mi stakes. Next year, we should be stronger because we will be more used to each other. I hope we can pull together bener as a team, not as individuals." Bailey said, "Some good tal ent came from these younge r classes." He will have to recruit to fill the graduating senior spots. The team members had to possess good time-management skills in order to keep their grades up. They traveled to Dallas four times and other distant cities for matches, and they had to miss their classes several Urnes throughout the season. "They have to have self-discipline and dedica tion, " Bailey said. "We had to bring our flashlights and backpacks on the bus for the road trips. Luckily, our teachers let us use tape recopders to record class, and they helped us by calfing us so we wou ld keep up ," Lightfoot said. "My goal for the season was to block everything possible; I worked hard and pretty much achieved that. We were on top of our blocking, but I know I can do better next year," Keil ers said. "This was an awesome team, and I am looking forward to having fun next year. " Lightfoot said she felt that the season was a fun and cha llenging one. "I look back on the team w ith fond memories. We had some good experiences this season . You have to deal with what comes at YOll." - Robin Henson Volleyball. First Row: Misty ra nt, McKensey Kemmerer, Sarah Schooley, jamie jennings, Hannah Lightfoot, Heather Gray, Laura Lejarzar. Second Row: Rebecca Dahlstrom, Melissa Sain, LeKay Baill, Erika Pierson., Delana Keilers, Kam Lee, 5m'a Roberts. Third Row: jim Diehl (graduate assistan.t), Lori Henclticks (graduate assistant), Coach Kwy l Bailey, Stephanie Denney. Photo by jeff MOHlgomery. t1& 214 Sports Truman 0-3 Cameron 0-3 Texas Wesleyan 0-3 Empire Sute 0-3 ATU 2-3 Lyon 3-2 UCA 3-1 Freed-Hardeman 3-0 Christian Brothers 2-3 Monticello 1-3 OBU 3-1 Drury 0-3 SBU 3-2 SAU 3-2 LeTourneau 3-1 SAU 2-3 A&.t\ol Commerce 2-3 Texas \Vomen's 0-3 Chris(ian Brmhers 3-0 ATU 1-3 Cameron 0-3 Central Okla. 0-3 Lyon 3-1 SAU 0-3 Midwes(ern 3-0 Tarleton 2-3 Lubbock Chris(ian 0-3 Concordia 3-0 St. Edwa rds 0-3 Houston Bap(ist 3-2 Abi lene 3-2 Angelo 0-3 OBU 3-1 UCA 1-3 A&M Commerce 0-3 Texas \Vomen's 0-3 Cameron 1-3 Central Okla. 0-3