TENNIS: Aft e r los ing three AllAme rican athl e tes, the Lady Bisons rebuilt and stroked their way to another 20-win season and an e leventh place tie in the nationals, earning them the numbe r 11 ranking in the Nationa l Associat ion of Inte rcollegiate Athletics. "I thought o ur team did a fine job of stepping up," Coach David Elliott said. "We lacked leade rship, but this year was the best yea r I've had as far as getting the most out of the playe rs I had. After everything got settled, we were a stronge r team than the yea r before. " As the season progressed, the Lady Bisons started to pick up the ir leve l o f play and became closer. "I fe lt we had a great season because of the closeness of OU f team. We lost some important players, but our team stuck together and had a good season. I feel that it was one o f H ard ing 's strongest teams ever," senior Yessica Sanchez said . Sanchez Team sticks together for successful season earned Lone Star Conference Women 's Player o f the Week April 4-11. The fo llow ing week, Claudia Cordera earned the same honor. "I was very proud o f the two girls for earning these honors . The Lone Star Conference is an elite NCAA Di v is io n II conference, and for us to have girls earning that honor, it shows some thing about Lady Bison tenniS," Elliott said. Julieta Gil, a sophomore transfer from La redo Community College, earned the 41st ranking in the NALA wome n 's s in g les. "I was nervous about transferring, but once I got settled in, things got easier for me, " Gil said. "My teammates' support he lped me a lot. I was happy with my season, but I know that I can do better. " "Julie was our number 1 player. She didn 't lose to an opponent that she should have beaten, and that's a ll any coach could 've ask for ," Elliott said. Gil and Cordera earned a number 13 ranking in the NALA women 's doubles. Cordera , one of four graduating seniors on the team, moved up to number 2 in wOlnen's singles. "Women have a tende ncy to decline as they go on, but Claudia consistently improved. We w ill definite ly miss he r being a part ofour tennisteam," Elliott said. Elliott expressed excitement abou t preparing fo r Division II competition , the Lone Sta r Confe rence and building new traditions. "The Lone Star Conference has six teams that should place in the top 20 in the na tional ranking, and that excitesus. When you can finish sixth in your conference and are still in the top 20 in nationa l ranking, that shows what you are about to becolne a part of. Joining th is conference will add to Harding 's tradition and build up our athletic teams ," Elliott sa id. - Heath Dawson • Women's Tennis. First Row: Julieta Gill Yessica Sancbez, Claudia Cordera, Claudia Navan ""O, Coacb David Elliott. SecondRow: Assistant Coacb RaymondKelly, Cristina Rodriguez, Cheri Barron, SlepbanfeBan"Oll, Shelly Schaefer. Photo by jeffMontgomery. Iiiii 206 Sports " I felt that thif waf one of Har~inff ftrongut teamf eller. " YtJJica $al£chez SCOREBOARD Hendrix 9-0 He ndrix 9-0 LeMoyne W-forfeit Northeastern 1-6 Henderson 9-0 SBU 9-0 Lyon College 9-0 UALR 4-5 OBU 9-0 LeMoyn e Default UCA 9-0 OCU 9-0 He ndrix 9-0 Northeastern 4-5 OBU 9-0 ASU 0-9 Texas Women's 8-1 UCA 9-0 PHU 4-5 Henderson 9-0 Lyon 9-0 Southeast Missouri 3-6