1997-1998 Yearbook

1. - - ••• ~ ... ,. ~- A'III.· .. · Dan Bell- Se.lrcy, Ark. David BeU- Alpcn.. , Arl.: . Brooke Bennen - Memphis, Tenn. Angela Berend - PrcltrPrnirie, K:m. Troy Berreth - Palcstin<:, Texas The junior class officers serving the 1997-98 school year were (from left to right) preSident, ChadGardner; vicepreSident, Brooke Bennett; and secretary/ treasurer, Rebekah Scott. Their missionfor theyear was to be servant leaders. They strove to serve others in the community by organizing donations for needy families in Searcy . "We wanted to make a difference in the community by participating in activities that showed that we weren 't just leaders, but we were also servants, "Gardnersaid. The officers urged their classmates to join in service projects that brought them all together and showed the true spirit of the junior class. Photo by Brian Hendricks. Patrick Bills - Norm~!ldy, Tenn. Malt Bishop - Austin , Ark. Pam Birner-J udsoni~. Ark. AllisonBlack - l>llbelvlle, Ark. AshleyBlack - " la bel"~h:.Ark Adam B lake- Meredith, N.H. Nicole Bland - Sumter, s.c. Rita Boudra - Houston. Texas M ary Bowers- Daingerfield. Tex:Js Jami Boyd- Searcy,Ark. People 141