Pablo Onega - Mex.icQ Cily, "1<:..:ioo, Adfi('1'/lslIIg. Aaron Ortiz - La Ceil». Hondul"1.~. Computer Scil!nce. Campaiftf1:S (Venzucb), Conccn Choi r. D<'a lfs Li.';I. Dram:llk"s. Spencer O ttO - Defuniak Springs. Pll, Blocbemist,y, Chi Sigma Alph:I, Class Officer, I)ean '~ List, I'hi EI:I Sigma, SAC. Me lissa Owen - Maoon. Ga . (\'11f'$i"g. Chi Ome8a Pi. Andy Pace - Elyri:!.. Ohio. An. Della Chi nella . Club Be:!.u. Dactylo logy Club. SA Commiuct:. Micalynn Parker - Nonnan, Okla. Elcm('1l1u,)' lit/IICa/iOIlI SfNmisb. Zet:!. Rho. Alpha Chi. C:lmpaign~ (Venezuela), HUF, I'hi Et."l Sigma. Kimberly Parrish - Dam·ille. Ill. Professlollal Sales. Chi Omega Pi. Jenny Parrott - Chattanooga. Tenn. Cbi/d Ck.-velopmem. Ju Go Ju. C:lmpaigns (Duluth), Club Queen. College Republicaf1:S, HUF. , Projects and seminars consume lives ofseniors Many seniors found their last year of unde rstand your p roject, because it is college filled with projects ranging from easy to let it get ahead of you. " cancer research to a week-long art show. Sometimes students fou nd it hard to Sandy Roe, who had her art show in fini sh all of their projects amidst the other Decembe r, said it took a lot of time - "at demands of life. Ma tt Vergne was on a least a month if not more." Art majors did team that researched the effects of the all of their own advertising for their show new refrige rams that have replaced freon and often organized a reception as well. on the ozone layer. He sa id he worked Art students, as well as those in other every afternoon that he was nO( doing his majors , were alson requ ired to submit a research project. "I haven 't had a lot o f portfo lio and resume as well. free time or time to re lax," he said. Kathy Herrin, a chemisuy major, spent Roe, who has three children, agreed , 10 weeks of her summer doing research saying she had to work a round them. at the University of Arkansas Medical "When it comes to some thing that's rea ll y School (UAMS) on how chemotherapeu- important, you need to stay focused and tic drugs affect cancer cells, and she co- set deadlines so you don't fall short," she authored a pape r on the research . During said. the school year, she was also involved in Although projects were time-consumthree labs and another research project ing, seniors said they we re an important that took three to four hours each week. part of the ir education, providing real -life Herrin said it was important " to ask experience in their chosen fi elds. many questions and to make sLire you - Indie Pere ira Julie PalTon - Ketchil..... n, Alaska . Nllrs/'Ig. Regina . Chris Pa rson - N.:wburgh. Ind . /JIblc. Alph:!. T311 Epsilon. Alpha Chi, Alphl Chi Malachi, D<'an's Li5t. Psi Chi . Brent Patterson - Chantilly. Va. Acc;QImtillg. Elizabeth Patterson - Memphis. Tenn. H/(lmeIlWry/ Spec/al frlucal/oll. Ze!~ Rho. De~n'~ Lis!. Kapp~ Delta Pi. Studen1 Impact. TEACH. Melanie Patton - SCarc},. Ark. Ps)v:bolO/U'iVocUljorllll MIl/Wry. Ddta Glmma Rho. Dean'S l.b!. Honor.; ,\5SOCi:uion, I'hi Ela Sigma, Psi Chi. Jennifer Pau l - Hurst. Texas. I-1emclIlmy litfIlCQI/OII. Ko)o K:li. De:!.n·s list. KlPpa DeltlPi. Phi Eta Sigma. Je remy Paul - Nuid~, N.M. MurlMitig. Knights. Campaign~ (Gene\'":l), Circle K. French Club. [n1rnmur:lls. Glenda Peace - San)ose. Costa Ria, i"s)v:boIogy. m& 130 People Senior Scott Schwieger presents his senior English symposium. Many students had senior projects/or their majors. Photo by Kristi BunlS. ,