BUILDING ON people All students have their own story to Haying chapel every morning tell about when they first stepped onto reminded students to keep their focus campus. Thoughts of nervousness and on God throughout the rest of the day. excitementwere experienced by many, Seeing professors lead a devotional both new and old. reminded students that their It was not simply the beautiful trees relationship went far deeper than just and flowers or the buildings that made the classroom. Students saw their peers Harding a special place for these students - it was the common bond ofChrist that drew so many here. Most did not realize they were "building on noble Jil1tBillMclllteer Bible & WorldMissiolls Ce1lter reading their Bibles or praying with a friend and were reminded that they needed God in their own lives. Friendships were formed betraditions. " tween roommates. Students also made The firm foundation of Christ was friends in their classes. By the end of strengthened by many people who the year, each student had many new had a desire to serve. The faculty friends. established a place where Christians Everybody came with their own could be prepared to teach others unique story - and, while here, added about Jesus in addition to receiving numerous experiences and friendships their desired diplomas. to share with others for years to come. People Editor Misty Bacon People 111 t1iE