1996-1997 Yearbook

Adventures - new, scary ones and renewed, exciting ones -faced the administration, faculty and students as they launched into the 73rd chapter of the Harding story. Fiber-optic computer networks had to be conquered. Seniors registered with the Career Planning and Placement Center to begin interviews for job searches. Freshmen made choices about whether to join a social club and which one to pursue. All adjusted to roommates, living arrangements, classes and teachers. The stresses ofcollege life accompanied these changes and adventures. Some stemmed from having to finally decide a major. Others grew from lack of rest as students postponed the inevitable study sessions only to end up spending long hours in the library. Conversations with a hurting friend and the breakup of dating relationships contributed extra pressure. Struggles with development of personal faith in God seemed to underlie all the other sources of stress. As these changes , adventures and stresses found their resolution in the hope of eternal life, members of the Harding family waited for renewed strength, knowing that their differences paled in significance to the solid foundation of faith in the God who carries them through this temporal life on His "Wings of Eagles." Heather Allison AR,AMARK provides breakfast for students and guests during the WorldMission Workshop . The37th annual Workshop, this year's held at Harding, helped many "want-tobe" missionaries make contacts. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. 4 Opening