• Men's intramural director Jim Gowen points out the intramural cross country meet's route to intramural assistant Matt Tibbles and graduate assistant Terry Beasley before the runners arrive. Coaches, teachers and other Harding faculty and staff found their student workers indispensable in accomplishing all their tasks. Students worked as coaches' assistants, keeping score and figuring statistics, or as teachers' assistants, grading tests and figuring grades. Besides assisting faculty, students worked in the library and department offices and served as security guards and switchboard operators. Some worked for the maintenance staff, keeping the campus clean. Still others served in the cafeteria or catered for ARAMARK. Whatever their job, students who worked on campus found the chance to earn money an important plus, and faculty and staff recognized how essential their student assistants were. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. Dan Jackson - Abilene, Texas. Computer Science. King's Men. Club Beau, Dean's List, lntramurals, SA Comm. Earnestine Jackson - Canton, Miss. Social Work. Who's Who. Jeff Jackson - Birmingham, Ala. Human Resources. Chi Sigma Alpha. Dean's List , Phi Eta Sigma, Psi Chi, SHRM. Shane Jackson - Atlanta, Ga. Business Management. Alpha Chi, Am. Studies, Concert Choir, Dean's List, Delta Mu Delta, Intramurals , Phi Beta Lambda, SAC. Heidi Jaekel - Duluth, Minn. Special Education. Transfer (University of Minnesota ). Regina. Council for Exceptional Children . Heather James - South Williamsport , Pa. Math. Sigma Phi Mu. Alpha Chi, Am. Studies , HUF, Phi Eta Sigma, University Singers , Who's Who. Jennifer James - Searcy, Ark. Elementary Education. Chi Omega Pi . Club Queen, Council for Exceptional Children, HUF, Impact, lntramurals , KHCA Staff, TEACH, VISA, Who's Who. Lee Janssen - Bloomington, Ill. Vocational Family and Consumer Science. Kappa Gamma Epsilon. College Republicans, Concert Choir, Good News Singers, Impact. Chris Jerkins - Memphis, Tenn. Accounting. Transfer (Lipscomb University). Titans. Accounting Society, Barristers , College Republicans , HUF, lntramurals, Pi Gamma Psi. Kent Jobe - Early, Texas. Religious Education/Youth Ministry. Chi Sigma Alpha . Alpha Chi Malachi, Campaigns (Scotland ), Club Beau , Impact, Lectureship Speaker, RA, Timothy Club, VISA, Who's Who, Youth Corps. James Johnson - New Palestine, Ind. Elementary Education. Bret Jones - Crowley, Texas. Graphic Design. Chi Sigma Alpha . Dean's List , Red Brick Studios. Scott Jones - Bald Knob, Ark. Elementary Education. Transfer (Arkansas State University). Dean's List, Kappa Delta Pi. Karla July - Tegucigalpa, Honduras. International Business I Business Management. Tri Kappa . Alpha Chi , AMA, Am. Studies, Campus Ministry, Dean's List , Delta Mu Delta , SAM, Spanish Club, Students in Free Enterprise, University Singers, Who's Who. Jonas Karlsson - Portland, Ore. International Business. Kristopher Keim - Odessa , Mo. Accounting. Kappa Tau Omega. Accounting Society, Campaigns (Australia), College Republicans, SAM. Seniors 57