1996-1997 Yearbook

Tim Ruff and Brian Finrow play tenor sax with the jazz band in chapel. Playing for chapel meant performing in front ofone's peers, an experience which was often nerve-wracking. The lively student body always seemed to enjoy fellow classmates' performances, however. One person on stage may have been more nervous than the students, though; the jazz band concert was the new band director Mike Chance's first performance for the whole student body. He soon found he had nothing to fear from Harding students. Chance was warmly received at the jazz band concert, and later in the semester he endeared himself further to the hearts ofstudents by continuing the traditions associated with the Holiday Band. In the minds of most Harding students, Christmas tunes would not be the same without the jingling of keys and slamming of song books at the proper time, and Chance did not disappoint them. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. Josh Drummond - Coraopolis, Pa. Human Resources. Ronnie Ducharme - Clinton Township, Mich . Business Management . Tran fer (Lipscomb University). TNT. Circle K, College Republican , SHRM. Julia Dunaway - Little Rock, Ark. Biology . Ko Jo Kai. Alpha Chi , Am. Studies, Campaigns (Australia ), Dean's List , Devita , lntramurals, Phi Eta Sigma. Michael Duncan - Williford , Ark . Accounting. Accounting Society, Alpha Chi, Arn. tudie , Dean's List, Delta Mu Delta , Intramurals, Phi Beta Lambda, Phi Eta Sigma, Pi Gamma Psi. Julie Dunham -Ashevill e, N.C. Psychology. Ko Jo Kai . Circle K, Dactylology, Dean's Li st, HUF, Impact, Psi Chi, SA Comm. , VISA. Nicolle Dunmoyer - Reading, Pa. Human Resources . Brad Dunn - Carrollton, Texas . Theater. Alison Dyer - Palm City, Fla. Social Science. Jacob Eby - Roswell , Georgia. Political Science. Transfer (Lip comb Univer ity). Pi Kappa Eps il on. Alpha Chi , Barri ster s, College Republicans, Dead Federalist Society, Dean s Li st, Impact , Intercollegiate Athletic (Track), Intramural s, Phi Alpha Theta, RA. Jonathan Echols - Birmingham, Ala. Biology. Titans. Campus Mini try, College Republicans, Dean's List , Devita , Health Sci ence Cl ub , Intercollegiate Athletics , Phi Eta Sigma. Justin Edmiaston - St. Petersburg, Fla . Youth Mini stry. Titans . Campaigns (Africa), Club Beau, Impact , Intramural s, Theatron , Timothy Club , Youth Corps. Melis a Elliott - Deer Park , Texas. Elementary Educat ion. Ko Jo Kai. College Republicans, Dean 's List, Impact, TEACH. Rebecca Elliott - Sear cy, Ark. Vocational Family and Consumer Science. Delta Gamma Rho . AFCSS, AHEA, Intramurals (Women's High Point ). Yvette Ellis - Philadelphia, Pa. International Business /Vocational Ministry. 52 Theta Beta Kappa. Class Officer , Dean's List, Delta Mu Delta, Impact, JOY, RA, SAM, Ujima , Univer ity Chorus , Who's Who . Sara Elmer - Cove, Ore. Dietetics. Tara Elrod - Weatherford Texas. Elementary ISpecial Education. Transfer (Weatherford College ). Campaigns (Australia), Campus Ministry, Circle K, Counci l for Exceptiona l Children, Dactylology, Dean 's List, Kappa Delta Pi, Seniors TEACH.