1996-1997 Yearbook

Active participation initiates tremendous intramural season The spirit and goodwill of athletic competition motivated many Harding women to participate in the games of the women's intramural program. In her 32nd year of directing women's intramurals, Barbara Barnes worked harder than ever to encourage participation, to structure and schedule athletic events, and to ensure that the Christian values of the games were upheld at all times. "This year we were really encouraged by the number of girls who played intramural and club sports; we had a really good fall," Barnes said. Although Barnes was chiefly responsible fortheday-to-dayrunningoftheintramural program, events would not have run so smoothly if it were not for the efforts ofher six intramural assistants, two of whom were MandyArmstrong and Schell Haines. "Those girls really helped out the program this year," Barnes said. Armstrong enjoyed her role. "Part of my job was to set up the fields or courts, make sure that every game was officiated, and encourage Christian attitudes during club and intramural sports." Haines also liked being in the program. "As intramural assistant, I was oftentimes responsible for opening up the old gym, setting up the courts, making sure everything ran according to schedule, keeping score, and at the end of the night closing everything down." Active participation by the women of Harding was the key to a successful intramural season. Women's social clubs participated in team competitions in flag football, softball, volleyball and basketball. Women who did not belong to social clubs were given ample opportunity to show their skill in team sports and individual sports. From this core group of non-club-affiliated women, several teams were put together by the intramural staff to compete in softball, volleyball and basketball. Those who did not wish to participate in any ofthe team sports could actively pursue individual accomplishment in track, doubles and singles tennis, badminton, table tennis, and a basketball skills competition. "Even those of us who were not in a club still had a lot offun competing in intramural sports; it helped relieve a lot of stress," Haines said. The wide array ofsports events sponsored by the women's intramural program allowed everyone to play and excel in their favorite sports and to develop their skills in a Christian environment of athletic competition. - Lance Lemmonds Cardinal Sara Elmer helps her team by returning the serve. Director Barbara Barnes tried her best to ensure that the Christian values ofplaying the games were elevated at all times. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. Women's Intramurals 277