1996-1997 Yearbook

'Re/jlha Spltzlt z4Natzd Se11iotzs ho11otz Sholl and SteJ1Jatzt 6otz tze6lectintj Chtzistian setzvice in theitz lives Each spring, the senior members of Regina nominate members of the senior class who best exemplify Christian leadership and service. They present a list of nominees to the senior class for selection of recipients of the Regina Spirit Award. This year, the members of Regina nominated Jamey Brumley, Sara Elmer, Marybeth Habecker, Bert Johnson, Kyle Laws, Eric Magnusson, Brenda Osborne, Leah Pease, Angela Sholl, Leedy Smith, Kevin Stewart and Chris Westcott, and the senior class chose Kevin Stewart and Angela Sholl. The two were presented with plaques during chapel on Thursday, February 20. Angela Sholl is a biology major from Tulsa, Okla., who plans to attend medical school in the fall and one day work in a clinic for a family-oriented practice. Sholl said that she was being led to be a female voice in the medical profession to speak to teen-agers about adoptions and abortions. "Lately, I've felt a burden to be a female voice in the medical community against abortion. I feel that a young girl who finds herself pregnant may be more prone to listen to me as she searches for options since I may be more likely to understand her emotions," Sholl said. Later in life, when she has a chance to have more time for a family, Sholl would Kevin Stewart and Angela Sholl, winners of the 1997 Regina Spirit Award, take a moment to catch up with each other after chapel. The Regina Spirit Award is traditionally given to two seniors who best exemplify the spirit of Christian service in their lives. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. 244 Regina Spirit Award like to pursue her interest in teaching. She also has plans to help her father live out his dream of setting up clinics in India. They would like to take classes to learn more about tropical diseases that are common in India and take medicines there. Kevin Stewart is a chemistry major from Kennett, Mo., who plans to pursue graduate school with an interest in organic chemistry, especially as it relates to chemical and industrial research of proteins. Sholl and Stewart both served as presidents of their social clubs. Stewart felt that his experience as president of Chi Sigma Alpha had taught him a lot about servanthood. "I've learned that there are so many talented guys on this campus. The key is getting each guy to do what he does best to serve others. It is impossible to handle the task ifyou try to do it all on your own," Stewart said. Sholl felt that this entire school year had been a testimony to letting God be in control of her life. "This year, God has really shown himself to me as my teacher and my friend. Different experiences have helped me learn to let Him be in control." Stewart said he often finds himselfreferring to one ofhis favorite scriptures - Hosea 4:6. "The only way we are going to know God's will for us is to study and gain knowledge from His word," he said. Stewart spent much of his time at Harding searching for truth and knowledge throughout the Bible. In his sophomore year, he studied with his roommate and was baptized. "I didn't come to Harding to get a top-rate education, which I have ended up getting; I came to broaden my experiences by meeting new people and exploring opportunities," he said. Sholl felt that she had learned a lot about unity while attending Harding. "I wasn't raised in the Church of Christ, and so, while I've been at Harding, I've learned about how Christians can be unified despite coming from different backgrounds," Sholl said. Both Sholl and Stewart cited their spring semester Bible class, The Christian View of Science and Scripture, as having had a major impact on them. "The class helped me focus on walking by faith and looking more toward the Bible. It helped me to open my mind more," Stewart said. In the beginning of the semester, Dr. Don England, a man they both admire, taught a section of the course. In one ofhis classes, he shared a quote with his students that really stood out in Sholl's mind. "In matters of faith, unity; in matters of opinion, liberty; in all things, love." - Heather Henson