jntezclu6 council j11tetzclu6 Council 1-0otzks to lmptzove s11stem The Interclub Council serves as an important communication link between the social clubs and the Harding Administration. Composed of students from every social club, the ICC works to improve policies and represent the views ofclub members. Although the deans reserve the authority to make policy decisions, the ICC has a lot of input into the changes and revisions that are made in the social club system. "The students are the ones who know what works and doesn't work, so we value the opinions we receive from them," Dean Peggy Huckeba said. According to Huckeba, the revised induction process is one policy that has seemed to work well this year. "We owe a lot of credit to the club members for the positive response this year. We also saw many club leaders in action, trying to make the induction process a positive experience for all involved," Huckeba said. The biggest issue this year was the revision of the jump policy. According to Huckeba, the ICC had been trying to evaluate the effect of the current policy on smaller clubs. "Under the new policy [to be effective in the fall], a student must be active in their original club at least two semesters before they can jump to another club. The smaller clubs felt that the new members needed more time to spend with their club so that they could be sure ofwhere they needed to be," Huckeba said. According to Jennifer James , executive secretary ofthe ICC, the ICC has a lot of input into the changes that are made. "In every decision we make, we try to do what is fair all around-for small, medium and large clubs," James said. ICC meetings allowmembers from all the clubs to express their concerns and to offer suggestions. "When the presidents and vice presidents get together, everyone really listens to each other: the deans are supportive, and we try to address everyone's needs," James said. - Emily McMackin TNT members Dan Leichner and Mark Wilson share a quick story with Zeta Rho members Lanny and Danny Hardeman after chapel. Members of brother and sister clubs shared close bonds with each other and often sat together in chapel and in the cafeteria. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. Theta Tau member Ray Lynn Woods shares a quick conversation in the student center with Lisa Roberts before classes. At the end ofa long day ofclasses, club members could always find a friendly face in the student center, especially near the club boxes. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. Shantih members Kelly Denny and Heather Seniker spend time conversing with Angie Sickbert, a member of Kappa Gamma Ep silon. In terclub activities and devotionals encouraged club members to develop friendships with others outside of their club. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. Social Clubs 243