<Provides numerous activities S.fi encourages friendliness in the community Probably the most influential and certainly the most visible organization on campus is typically the Student Association (S.A.). The S.A. organizes various social and spiritual activities throughout the school year and presents students' recommendations to the administration. Senior Zach Steed, an accounting and economics major, served as the S.A. president this year. Elected in a run-off in the spring of 1996, Steed said he enjoyed being president. "I knew that I wanted to have an active part in the social life at Harding," he said. "I didn'twant the students to be bored." Although Steed presided over meetings ofthe entire group, the Student Association was broken down into committees, two of which played a prominent role in the function ofthe S.A. These two-the spiritual life committee and the student activities committee - chose the activities that they thought students would enjoy. Open House was one way for students to become closer. Guys and girls were allowed to enter each other's dorms during special evening hours to see how "the other half' lived. "It is a lot offun; it's just an excuse to have something to talk about," Steed said. The S.A. also planned Friendly Week. "This week was also a chance for students to socialize more," Steed said. "Students were encouraged to drag their noses out of books and make a special effort to be friendly to everyone they saw." The S.A. wanted not only Harding students but the community as well to see Harding as a friendly campus. They promoted Searcy's Holiday of Lights by decorating the campus with lights, garland and a tree for the Christmas season. The S.A. also focused on the spiritual outlook of the student body through a variety ofprograms and activities. They recommended speakers and worked with Campus Ministry to conduct the annual student lectureships in which students were exposed to lessons of life from their peers. During the fall lectureship, students, faculty , alumni and friends were given an opportunity to make a commitment to pray for Harding and its students for 10 minutes every day so that someone was praying for Harding 24 hours a day. Steed voiced occasional reminders in chapel of this special remembrance. The S .A. also provided a prayer box for student prayer requests at the beginning of the semester. These requests were collectively remembered during chapel throughout the fall semester and then returned to each individual at the end of the semester. During the spring, speakers occasionally focused their remarks on answers to these prayers. Steed expressed his belief in the importance of the S.A.'s leadership. "I want the things we do at Harding to be exciting. I want students here to feel like they are a part of something." - Darcia Woodard Red Brick Studios. First row: Vanessa Bearden, Aaron Gillihan, Chris Burress. Second row: Ashley McKelvey, Daniel Adams (faculty sponsor). Third row: Stephanie Denney, Suzanne Floyd, M ichelle Guzman. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. Scribblers. First row: J akki J ackson, Colleen Goree. Second row: Brent Phillips, Lydia Evdoxiadi, Ginny Blake. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. 198 Red Brick Studios and Scribblers