1996-1997 Yearbook

1?.epublicans campaign to register student voters <Participation in campaign offers special opportunities The election of 1996 proved to be an exciting and rewarding experience for the College Republicans. The mobilization of party members and the coordination oftheir activities presented members with wonderful opportunities to participate in the political process. "Harding's College Republicans have always had a great reputation for helping with national, state and local campaigns," treasurer Louisa Bartolotta said. Alongwith the presidential election, state and local government races offered members opportunities to gain experience in the political arena. College Republican members volunteered to work at the local Republican headquarters and at candidate campaign headquarters. Several students worked for U.S. Senate candidate Tim Hutchinson. They were led by Students for Hutchinson president Tom Garner. "We believe in Mr. Hutchinson, and he believes in the issues that concern us," Garner said. Many students also worked on the campaigns of Arkansas Lieutenant Governor candidate Winthrop Rockefeller and U.S. Congressional candidate Bud Cummins. "I really appreciate the hard work that the Harding kids did during my campaign for Congress; they were a big help," Cummins said. Rockfeller was a favorite among College Republican members. His relationship with his White County campaign coordinator, Jim Carr, executive vice president of Harding, gave College Republicans an upclose view of the race for the Lieutenant Governor's office. A lot ofwork went into the planning and execution of the various campaigns. Activities included handing out campaign literature, posting signs, fund raising and door-to-door campaigning. College Republican members carried out all of this campaign activity in addition to all of their obligations as students. "We traveled all over the state, going door-to-door and shaking hands to drum up support for Republican candidates," Bartolotta said. Much of the party's focus was on membership drives and voter registration. "We worked really hard on campus, getting students registered and getting students to the polls to vote," president Brad Hayes said. College Republicans put a lot oftime and energy in support ofRepublican candidates and Republican ideas in 1996. "The goal was to get party members and other students involved in the political process and to get Republican candidates elected," Hayes said. The election of 1996 meant a lot of hard work and dedication for the College Republicans, but it also meant lots of fun and excitement. - Lance Lemmonds Circle K First row: Monica Horsley, Indie Pereira, Julie Dunham. Second row: Brian Borgman, Ruth Sellers, Elise Smith, Bryan Burks (faculty sponsor). Photo by Aaron Gillihan. College Republicans. First row: Becca Lewis, Tyson Ledgerwood, Kelly Moody, Yauonda Fletcher, Jamie Hall, Janell Brown. Second row: Lousia Bartolotta, Tanton Gibbs, Brenna Cravy, Beth Bratton, Jeni Shepherd, Kimberly Lambert, Kim McClellan, Lindsey Faram. Third row: Tammy Veazey, Wes McCown, Jeffrey Goff, J.A. Wise, Ken Laws, Jennifer Riley, Jessica Benthall. Fourth row: Jeff Fall, Brandon Periman, Brian Bush, Daniel Thornhill, Ginny Blake, Bradley Hayes. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. 182 Circle K and College Republicans