1996-1997 Yearbook

Oisifafion weekend is a success for Hll Homecoming weekend saw the campus overflow, not onlywith numerous returning alumni, but also with crowds ofhigh school students from across the nation. Instead of hosting several smaller high school weekends throughouttheyear,suchastheTexasRoundup, Bison Daze and Volunteer Weekend, the Admissions Officedecided tocombine allofthese intoone event called ''VisitationWeekend." According to Mike Williams , director of admissions ,"combining theweekends helped displayHardingasthemeltingpotitis,withthe studentbodymadeupofpeoplefromeverywhere inthe nation-ormore accurately-everywhere in theworld." Almost500prospectivestudentscheckedinto the dorms onThursdaynight,October24, some excitedandothersa littleanxious aboutplunging into college life for a few days. The anxiety soon disappeared. ''Ididn'tknowexactlywhattoexpect, butoncelgothere,Iwas surprised that somany students talked tome andwere reallyinterested inme. Theyevenletusstayintheirrooms,''Jana Roads,fromPortLavaca,Texas,said. To start theirweekendoff, the studentswere invited to attend chapel and any classes that interested them. Afterwards , they had the opportunity to find outmore about the various departments inquestion-and-answer sessions with the departments' chairpeople. The real fun startedafter classeswere over. TheHomecomingactivitiesprovidedcontinuous action all overcampus.MikeRobbinsfromAustin, Texas felt that "therewas somethinghere for everyone togetexcitedabout- thefootball game forthe athletes,themusical andBelles & Beaux for themusic types and the service project for Several high school students help with the cleanup around His House. Each year, high school juniors and seniors from all areas ofthe country visit HU's campus. Photo by Jeff Fall. 18 High School Weekend peoplewho enjoy that kind ofthing." Having Visitation Weekend during Homecomingmade it possible for the students to see more of the 'show-case activities' and things theycouldbe involvediniftheychoose to go to school here,' ' Williams said. "This was a goodwaytomaketheirtripworth the effort." One ofthe activities planned specificallyfor the highschool studentswas the serviceproject, acarnivalinSpringPark. Theypassedoutfliers advertisingthe event onFriday. More than 300 local children and teens came out onSaturday for games and clowns. ShawnThornton from Beaumont,Texas, said that the service project was one ofthe things that impressed him most. "It really showed us what kind ofthings are importantatHardingandwhatwe'relikelytobe involved in if we come to this university,''he said. The admissions staffthought the weekend was a huge success. "Judgingfrom the positive response,we can assume that 75to80percentof the students will be back to attend Harding,'' Williams said. ' 'Whatmade theweekendwork washavingtheguests stayinthedorms.Harding students aregreathosts!Actuallybeinginvolved inthe students' dailyroutinebrought to lifewhat thehighschool studentshave readandheardus sayover the phone a thousand times." The guests left campus on Sunday with decisions to make. For some, the decision had already been made sometime during the excitementofVisitationWeekend. "I've been running into people from all over the United States these past few days. I like to think I'll be seeingthesepeople againnextyear atHardingbut as a college student,"Thornton said. - Karin Springer