1995-1996 Yearbook

Harding students walk through the ruins of the city of Pergamum, one ofthe seven churches ofAsia mentioned in Revelation. History came alive as students toured many biblical sites. Photo by Carl Mitchell. While trying to stay dry in a typical London drizzle, the HUl group listens to a guide during a tour of the Tower ofLondon living in London providedopportunities for learning not avail able in Searcy. Photo by Paul Haynie. DiannaLawson (back left, clockwise), Denae Webber, Rachel Gammon, Lisa Kilgore and Andrea Stark squeeze into a traditional red phone booth while visiting the Edinburgh Castle in Edinburgh, Scotland. Cultural twists on everyday conveniences excited and educated HUE students. Photo by Blane Covert. International Studies 28 ~-~-St_u_d-en_t_L-if-e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~