Kappa Sigma Kappa members Paxton Dickson, JerrodFletcher and Craig Parker talk during the Club Fair held during Homecoming weekend. Each ofHarding 's social clubs set up tents on the front lawn so old members could reunite with the current club members. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. Ka Re Ta. First row: Angela Knox, Jeanene Luna, Jenny Mayfield, Christy lamp, Joanne Mitchell, Christie Mangrum. Second row: RachelleMountjoy, Stephanie Citty, Amanda Bolden, Chrystal Nickels, Claudette Bratcher. Third row: Joan Collins,Megan Wilkins, Rena McCarty, Krystal McWherter, Christa McCarty, Marc Wolfe. Fourth row: Jennifer Clark, Natalie Crovenburg, Mandi Forbess, Jackie McCarty, Barbara Farris, Paul Senn. Fifth row: Ashley Hayes, Carla Hamilton, Renay l ee, Cherie Barron, Jessica Henderson, Jerry Morgan. Photo by Heather Henson. Kappa Sigma Kappa. First row: Shelton Dickson,Myron McWherter, John land, CraigParker, Dera Perry, John Daniel Lareau, Christopher Lareau, Brian Winkelman, Brian Tumlin, Daiske Baba. Second row: Brandon Keown, Matt Mathis, Dustin Madden, Jerrod Fletcher, Andrew Shade!, Josh Polk, Jeremy Polk. Third row: Anthony Hall, Erica Rinehart, Paxton Dixon, Craig Sowell, Scott Waite, Garrett Rucker, Ryan Myers, Jason Bauer, John Amundson. Fourth row: lance Kemper, Tim Hutchinson, Brian Leonard, MichaelBrewer, Bryan Livingston, Jason Smith, Scottie Thornton. Fifth row: Craig Gustafson, BradHayes, James Powers, Heath Dawson, William Huddleston, JeremyHutchinson, Dustin Crawford, Mike Ely, Joseph Mize, Allan Lovejoy. Photo by Christie Mangrum. Ka Re Ta presidentMandi Forbess discusses upcoming club activities and the latest ICCmeeting notes with her club during their bi-weekly meeting. Each social club held meetings every other week to organize activities and keep the club united. Photo by Aaron Gillihan.