1995-1996 Yearbook

Lanny Hardman - Harrison, Ark. Buddy Harp - Searcy, Ark. Amanda Harpole - Corning, Ark. Jacob Harr - Searcy, Ark. Chandra Harrell - Broken Arrow, Okla. Erin Harrington - Thousand Oaks, Calif. Michelle Harris - St. Louis, Mo. Jeff Harsh - Harmony, Pa. Brandon Hass - Emory, Texas Amy Hawkins - Memphis, Tenn. Russ Hawkins - Tecumseh, Mich. Jana Hayes - Sedgwick, Ark. Adjusting to a different world: Editor's Note: The following story was written as the "diary entries" ofa freshman. I'm so confused! For so many years I have been looking forward to coming to the United States and Harding, but now that I'm here I feel like I may as well have come from the moon. Sure, I knew I would face a lot of changes coming here from Germany - Mom and Dad prepared me for that-but this is just almost too much for me. What's an American anyway? My passport says I'm a U.S. citizen, and that's what I felt like growing up as amissionary's daughter in Germany. The Germans always considered me a little different, but that was okay because I was an American. That's why I expected to fit in when I got to the States. But now I have come here only to find out that I don 't fit in anywhere. It's so frustrating! Why is it so hard for me to relate to others here? I really want to get to know people, but whenever I mention where I'm from, they react like I'm some kind of an exotic curiosity. From the moment I mention Germany, the conversation centers around how different I am, and that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid. I wish that when I say I'm from Germany it would be just like saying I'm from Dallas or St. Louis. Another thing frustrating to me is that I Senior Diana King visits with her parents after listening to a speaker during lectureship week. King spent 15years as an American in Germany before moving to the States with her twin sister, Karin, to attend college. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. often don 't understand what people are saying- even though I know the words they use. I thought I could speak English, but I never learned all the expressions everybody uses here. And then everybody is always referring to some TV show I have never heard about, and all I can do is just sit there and listen. I feel really lost... Actually, I guess I have met a few really nice people after all. My suitemate and I have been doing things together. She's from Washington, and I'm sure she has to get used to a lot of things, too. Maybe it won't be so hard adapting ifwe stick together. My classes aren't too difficult, either, and the teachers are really friendly - some have even invited me to visit them. Hey, didn't I start out thinking about negative things? Maybe it's not going to be so bad after all. Actually, I have already learned so many new things, it 's almost fun. I guess everybody has to get used to some things when they get to college. I just have to keep the positive things in mind and I'll fit in in no time! ' - Diana King Jessica Haynes - Judsonia, Ark. April Hedden - Arlington, Tenn. Jennifer Helton - Brentwood, Tenn. Doug Helvering - Omaha, Neb. Brisha Hemby - Bridgehampton, N.Y. Josh Henderson - Duncanville, Texas Freshmen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----=~----=--~157 People