1995-1996 Yearbook

SophomoreAnnaJones visits with her father after Wednesday night church. Jones is a student in the honors program and is a member ofShantih. Photo by Jimmy Brooks. Wade Ramer - West Memphis, Ark. David Rampey - Broken Arrow, Okla. Rachel Ramsey - Sugarland, Texas Ryan Rana - Newport, Ark. Stacey Randolph - San Angelo, Texas Aaron Reagan - Memphis, Tenn. Andy Reed - Horse Pantle, Tenn. Mary Alice Reed - Lewisburg, Tenn. Peter Reed - Hillsboro, Tenn. Matthew Rees - Kowloon, Hong Kong Janette Reeves - Russellville, Ark. Amy Revier - Tyler, Texas Reflections: Experiences ofa freshman as told by sophomore Anna Jones It's hard to say how Harding has changed my life because it is still changing me. When I got to Harding my freshman year, Iwas very excited. Iwanted to do everything I possibly could - sing in chorus, be in West Side Story, join a club, make good grades, spend time with my friends, date, do service projects .... But I quickly realized that I was going to have to say no to something. In the meantime, I began to feel my spiritual life slowly drifting away, and that scared me. Iwanted God in my life; Iwanted Him in every part of my life; I wanted Him to be number one. I felt like I was getting numb - probably because I was so busy or away from the strong Christian influence of my home. The semester went on with its many ups and downs. Around Christmas time I experienced a spiritual renewal. January was a really good month - I began to feel much closer to God. Unfortunately, things didn't stay perfect and peaceful for too long. More hard times have come, but I have thanked God many times for bringing me to Harding and have wondered how much harder it would be to overcome these hardships of life somewhere else. I have often thought about my friends at state schools, and I can't imagine how they make it through tough times. I find so much strength here because I feel that God is the main focus. I was very touched by the way the faculty responded to the deaths of Carla Willmon and Jeff Gammel. Having teachers who care, sympathize and want to lead me spiritually is more than I could ask, but it's not just the faculty. When I went forward during Jimmy Allen 's meeting, I had many notes of encouragement in my mail box, and I couldn't begin to count the people who stopped me to say that they were praying for me. And then there were Spring Break Campaigns, the Inner City Carnival, the flood relief.... Harding has truly made a strong impact on my life. Sometimes I sit in chapel or at devotionals and am very moved by the spirit there - so many people coming together in God's name. With this many people striving to please our Father, it is no wonder that Harding powerfully changes lives. -Anna Jones Rawle Reynolds - St. John's, Antigua David Richmond - Bartlesville, Okla. Michelle Ries - Vancouver, Wash. Sarah Riley - Memphis, Tenn. Norma Rivas - Searcy, Ark. Craig Roach - Judsonia, Ark. Amy Roberson - Memphis, Tenn. Beth Roberts - Whitehouse, Texas Maria Roberts - Collegeville, Pa. Melissa Roberts - Ville Platte, La. Michelle Rodgers - West Memphis, Ark. Aaron Roland - Union, Mo.