1995-1996 Yearbook

Dawn Wallis - Cloverdale, Ind. Applied Sociology . OEGE. Alpha Chi, American Studies, Campaigns (Northwest). Dactylology, Dean 's List, Honors Association, Phi Eta Sigma, Resident Assistant, Student lmpact. Amy Walters - Little Rock, Ark. Elementary Education. Concert Choir, Dean's List, Kappa Delta Pi , Phi Eta Sigma, University Chorus. Melanie Ward - Kennett, Mo. Biology. Jim Watkins - Dothan, Ala . Biology. Wendy Watkins - Lufkin, Texas. Special/Elementary Education. Council for Exceptional Children, Kappa Delta Pi , TEACH, Student Impact. Kimberlee Watne - Powell , Wyo . Music. Transfer (York Co ll ege) . Band, Belles and Beaux, Dean 's List, Dramatics, Un iversity Chorus. David Watson - Searcy, Ark. Biology. Who's Who. Brian Watts - Memphis, Tenn. Graphic Design/Youth Min istry. Who's Who. Chemaine Weaver - Baton Rouge, La. Child Development. Zeta Rho . College Republicans. Scott Webb - Oklahoma City, Okla. Kinesiology. Titans. HARM, Intramurals, Intercollegiate Athletics (Basketball ). Pi Kappa Delta. Chad Weems - Bartlett, Tenn . Psychology. Deborah Wellman - Midd letown, Md. Art Therpy. Shantih. Campaigns (Scotland), Dean 's List, Kappa Pi , Student Impact. Chris Westcott- St. Louis, Mo. Bible/Math Education. TNT. Alpha Chi Malachi , Campaigns (Chicago) , SAC. Andy Wheeler - Jefferson City, Mo. Public Administration. Transfer (Central Missouri State University, Lincoln University) . Chi Sigma Alpha. Band, Barristers, College Republicans. Jennifer White - Chattanooga, Tenn. Math. Ko Jo Kai. Alpha Chi, College Republicans, Dean 's List, International Studies (HUF), Kappa Delta Pi , Phi Eta Sigma, TEACH, Student Impact, Campus Ministry, Who's Who. Katy White - Searcy, Ark. Music Education. Seniors Sophomores Jennifer Clary and Alison Spindler talk about Project Angel Tree. This was the third year that Harding participated in this program which provides Christmas for the children ofprison inmates. According to April Kennedy, director ofthe program at Harding, Project Angel Tree helps restore the relationship between the child and parent. "When we give the children their presents, we tell them that they are on behalf of the parent in prison, " Kennedy said. The program is an outreach of the Prison Fellowship ministry. Kennedy's first encounter with the program was in high school. After coming to Harding, she decided to start the program here. "In our first year, we received presents for 30 children," Kennedy said. The project tries to accumulate enough presents to enable them to give each child three. This year, ProjectAngel Tree targeted300 children. Students helped by donating presents and delivering them. Photo by Aaron Gillihan. 118 ~-----~P-eo-p~l-e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~