1995-1996 Yearbook

Dr. Bobby Coker, Dean of the School ofEducation, has blood drawn by a nursing student. Nursing students received hands-on experience during Wellness Week. Photo byAaron Gillihan. Adam Risinger - Millington, Tenn. Biology. Titans. College Republ icans, Dean 's List, lntramurals, Student Impact. Brent Roach - Judsonia, Ark . Professional Sales. Dave Roberson - Hamilton, Ala. Psychology. Kappa Sigma Kappa. American Studies, Campaigns (Australia) , Co ll ege Republicans, Dean 's List, International Studies (HUF), lntramural s, Pre-Med Club, RENEW, Student Impact, VISA. John Roberts - Sharon, Tenn . Art. For your health: Wellness screenings give hands-on experience Harding has developed a wonderful practice of reaching out to people outside of the "Harding family." Harding encourages the same type of actions in its students through the wellness screenings which take place each semester. This service is offered to those affiliated with Harding and any citizen ofSearcy who would like to participate. When the program began in 1990, it was set up more as a health fair, with cholesterol screening and information about exercise being available, according to Jerry Myhan, health missions coordinator. Now, the program focuses on determining an individual 's risk for getting heart disease. Stacy Oliver, a senior nursing major, said, "We offer two options. Option one involves blood work only. This allows us to see what peoples ' cholesterol levels are (whether they are producing good or bad cholesterol), and to check triglycerides (sugar levels) and glucose and hemoglobin levels. Option two is a total evaluation. We take height,weight, family history and, of course, the blood work. Then a 10-page report is printed out for each person, and we counsel them on the results. " The wellness screenings are designed in such a way that they give the nursing majors hands-on experience. The students are very active in the program by drawing blood, taking blood pressure, assessing body fat , etc. Oliver said, "I had taken blood before, when Iwas in Africa, but I really felt like I got the hang of it during the wellness screenings." Another first for Oliver was the counseling. "I did a lot of counseling on how to reduce cholesterol intake and lower body fat." Heath Evans, a senior nursing major, said he had often practiced taking blood but never on a real person. "It was so nerve-racking. I was scared the most about blowing someone 's vein, " he said. Evans estimated that he stuck 25 to 30 people and he said, "I even got to stick my Bible teacher." It was hoped that, through the wellness screenings, students would learn to take steps to avoid the health problems plaguing many people today. - Beth Smith Roy Roberts - Searcy, Ark. Management. Heather Robertson - Humbl e, Texas. Public Administration. Ju Go Ju. Barristers, College Republi cans, Dean's List, SA Committee, Student Impact, Pi Sigma Alpha. Daryl Rodgers - Cumbernauld , Scotland. Missions/French. Alpha Chi , American Studi es, Campaigns (Italy), Dean 's List, French Club, Who 's Who. Cecilia B. Rogers - Searcy, Ark. English. Transfer (Phillips County Community College). Kappa Delta Pi , Sigma Tau Delta. Christie Rogers - Cape Coral , Fla. Public Relations. Transfer (Edison Community College). Alpha Epsilon Rho, Dean 's Li st, Internationa l Studies (HUG) , Tentmakers. Shelly Roggendorff - Searcy, Ark . Nursing . Debbie Rose - Camino, Calif. Nursing. Tammie Rosenbaum - Grand Prairie, Texas. Elementary Education! Vocational Ministry . Ka Re Ta. Campaigns (Germany), Campus Mini stry, Dean 's List, TEACH, Tentmakers, Unive rsity Singers. Seniors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P-eo-p~l-e~~- 113 -