1994-1995 Yearbook

Searcy Students Besides the short trip home ouer the holidays, there are some aduantages of being from Searcy. For some students, the trip to Harding is one that r quires many miles of driving or several hours of flying . But for others , coming to Harding is as simple as driving down the street. Inevitably, they are asked the question , "So where are you from?" The n xt expression in this conversation is many times one of pity or sadness for the Searcy student. They feel that this student has been cursed to a childhood in a small , Arkansas town- a fate nobody deserves. What this student does not realize is that a Searcy student has some very de finite advantages over the rest of the student body . The first of these advantages is free laundry. Even though they may not live far from campus , m any Searcy students decide to live in the dorms in order to get a b etter feel for coll ege life . However. the Searcy students differ from the out-of-state students in that they are unfamiliar with the routine of scrounging and borrowing for enough change to feed a washer for I 2 loads of hayride t-shirts and socks. neither hav they experienced folding underwear in front o f comple te strangers . or the frustration of p utting your las t two quarters in a dryer that does not work. They s imply run home occasionally and throw a few things in the wash. And. if they leave it long enough, it is not too uncommon for them to discover th ir laundry folded and ironed when they pick it up. One of the greatest advantages for Searcy students is home cooking. A Searcy student will never be heard complaining about the food and wishing for a meal just like mom would make . If the burden of the cafe teria b ecomes too great . they simply flee home knowing that there is nothing Aramark can do that mom cannot cure. It must b e pointed out that, it is at this point that most Searcy students make the ir fri ends . Many a desperate student has b een taken horn by a Searcy student for a home-cookc-d m eal. Although for many, Searcy is a temporary home for only nine months out of the year, there are those who call Searcy home. To them , it is a town just as any other town and not just a world surrounded by studies and coll ege fri ends. For some Harding students . Searcy is th place where childhood m emories have taken place and lots of growth has been experi enced . So , next time you meet a student from Searcy and you are tempted to express your condol ences , think again. - Michae l Moore Scoll \\ '(' /)/J - Okla l1oma City . Ok la . Chuc/ \ \lecm s - Mempl1is. Tenn . Joete I \'es t - Valparaiso. Ind. C/1ris \\ 'es1co11 - Berke ley. Mo . Anclrew \\!heeler - .Jefferson Ci ty. Mo. Emily \\lhi JC - Li\'(' Oilk. Fla )Cllllifcr \\ 'h itc - I larrison. Tenn J\ /i c /Jue/ \\ '/ Jilt' - Mable, ·ale . Ark. Bar/ )({ra \\' iel)!ISC /1 - Norfork. Net1. Jim \\ ' i// Jull ks - Cabot. ,-\rk Oo ll u lcl \\'i/cox - ~tulberry. Ark Kern Wil ey - H iglllancls Hancl1 . Colo. Chris \\ ' illiwns - Ukial1. Cillit. \\'ellcly \\' il/iom s - Bremerton . wasl1 . E li zu/Jc 1/1 \\'i/son - Clarksburg. w. V<i . Swpl w ni c \\'i/son - Fort Smitl1. Ark. JOSO!l \\ 'int er - Wl1ite oak. Penn . J\/a rcy \\'illt c rs - Jonesboro. Ark . Jellnifer ll'o /fe - 1\ncl1orage. r\l<iska Na tho n ll'o /fc - Ancllorage. Alaska Kerry \\ 'ooc ls - Marshall. Texas BOIJ/J y ll'ri <] ht - .Juc!sonia. Ark 5/Cl W ll \Vri fj hl - Fisk. Mo Juli e \\!rig ht - Judsonia. Mk J u ll i o r s 89 Pc o fJ I c