1994-1995 Yearbook

Jun io r /\s/Jley Key from /\ugusw. /\ rk .. cute/Jes up oil some .sr11clie.s w l1ile .sirring in rl1e .sruclcnr cenrcr. /\ lrl1ouf]l1 nor from Seeney. Key .shores .some of rile u(ll'onrane.s of lil •ing close l>y Pl1o ro /Jy Jo.son Hun Becky Se9rm •<'.S. junior repre.senlllri< >e of rhe I 994 I Jomecoming coun . i.s e.scorwd /J!J l1er fur her Joe Seora(les across rl1e field. Becky was a resiclenr of Searcy. Ullcl Iler farher u professo r of history 01 1 /Orcling Pharo l>!J Jason 13un. Cl1ris Thompson - Nonll Augusta. s.c SWt •l' ll Thornhill - Winter Ha,·en. Fla . .\fork Thrifl - Monroe. La ,\/c/isso Ti/Jl>les - Mus kogee. Okin. Clwrlynn T osh - Clatskilnie . Ore . He01her Trowwi1w - Springfie lc! . Ohio Alon Tunwr - Or lancto. Fla . Cl1ris Tumey - Olatl1e. Kan. Borru vonAls1ine - Guelpl1. Canad a Phi llip \ 'onwinkl e - ~templ1is . Tenn . )OCT!J VenkOICSOll - Searcy. Ark \\'es le!J Vernon - w as t1ing ton coun. Ohio L o is \ 'O!Jlt'S - Searcy. Ark . Selh \\ 'Ocie - Searcy. Ark Greg \\ 'oicie - 1\lbuquerque. N.M. Seem \\ 'oi1e - Hunts,·ille. A!<1. Am!J \\1o l1 ers - Little Rock. Ark Ai Ai \\ 'Ong - Sl1ijing Shan. Republic of Ch ina Jim 11 '0 1ki11s - Dotl1<1n. A l<1 . \\ 'ellrl!J \\ 'Olk ins - Lufkin. Texas Ki1nl1erl ee \\ 'Ulne - Powell. w yo. I IOll !J \\ 'arson - t touston. Texas Brion \\ 'WIS - ~ t empl1is. Tenn. Chen1oine \\ 'eauer - Baton Houge. La. Pe op I e 88 ) LI ll i O r S \ 1~