1994-1995 Yearbook

Searcy Students Besides the short trip home ouer the holidays, there are some aduantages of being from Searcy. For some students, the tri p to Harding is one that r quires many miles of driving or several hours of fl y ing. But for others, coming to Harding is as s imp le as driving down tl1e street. Inevitably, they arc ask d the question. "So wl1ere are you from?" The next expressio n in this conversa tion is many times one of pity or sadness for the Searcy student. They fe I that this s tud nt has been cursed to a childhood in a sma ll, Arkansas town- a fate nobody deserves. What this s tuden t does not rea lize is that a Searcy student has some very definite advantages over tl1e rest of the student body. The firs t o f these advan tages is free laundry. Even though they may no t live far from campus, many Searcy s tud nts decide to liv in the dorms in order to get a better feel for college life. Howev r, the Searcy students diff r from the out-of-state stud nts in that they are unfamiliar with the routine of scrounging and borrowing for enough change to feed a washer for I 2 loads of hayride t-shins and socks , ne ither have th y experienced fo lding underwear in front of cornpl te s trangers , o r the frus tra ti on of putting your last two quarters in a dryer that does not work. They simply run home occas ionally and throw a few things in the wash. And, if they leave \\ it long enough , it is not too uncommon for them to discov r the ir laundry folded and ironed when they pick it up. One of the greatest advantages for Searcy students is home cooking . A Searcy student will never be heard compla ining about the food and wishing for a meal just lik mom would make. If the burden of the ca fe teria becomes too g r at, they simply fl hom e knowing that there is nothing Aramark can do that mom cannot cure. It must be pointed out that, it is at this point that most S arcy students make the ir fri ends . Many a desperate student has been taken home by a Searcy student for a home-cooked meal. Although for many, Searcy is a temporary home for onl y nine months out of the year. there are those who ca ll Searcy l1ome. To them, it is a town just as any other town and not just a world surrounded by studies and col lege fri ends . For some Harding s tuden ts . Searcy is the place wh r childhood memories have taken p lace and lo ts o f growth has been experi enced. So , n x t time you meet a student from Searcy and you are tempted to express your condolences, think aga in . - Michae l Moore Scott \\ 'el>/> - Ok la l1011rn c11y . Okla . C/1 c1d \V('('/ll.S - ~1 cmp l1is . Te11n . Joete \\les t - V;1lparaiso. Incl. C/1ris \\ 'e.s1co11 - Berkeley . ~ t o . t \ndr<'ll 1 \\ '/we/e r - 1ettt·rson Clly. Mo . Ellli ly \\ '/li te - Ll\ 'C' Oilk. Flil . .Je1111ijer \\ 'hill' - 11<1rnso11 . Tc1111 . ,\/iC/](11'/ \\ '/Ii i<' - ~t.il>IC\ ' illC . , \rk . /3orl>cm1 \\ 'il'llllsch - Norlork. NC'IJ . .Ji1n \\ 'ill>unks - c .ilJOt .. \rk nono/<1 \\ 'll cox - ~tullierr~ · .. \rk Kelli \\ 'i/q; - 1t1g l1!<111<fs H<11wl1 . Colo. Cliri.s ll 'illirnns - L'k1<1ll . Cilli1. WC'llcl!J ll 'i//iwns - Hrenwr1011. \\'i1Sll. Elizu /J<'lil \\ 'ii.son - C:l<1rksl,urg . w . Va . StepilOlliC- ll 'i/SO/l - Fort S111itl1 . ;\rk. )CISO/J \\ 'illll'r - White Oak. Penn . 1\lorqJ \\ ' ill l<'rs - Joncslmro . :\rk . Jennifer \\'o/fe - ,\twl1orage . Alaska Not hem \\/o/fc' - ,\11 cl1ornge. 1\lilsk<i Kerry \\ 'oods - Marsl1all. Texas Bol>IJ!J \\ 'rio/11 - 1uctso111a . , \rk . Stet1cn \l 'rif} l ll - Fisk . Mo . Jll li e \\ 'ri(J l ll - Juctsonia . ;\rk J t 1 n i o r s 89 Pe op I c·