1994-1995 Yearbook

Library - Opportunities The Brackett Library prouided many opportunities for students to both study and socialize. Tl1rougl1 all of the changes this year , the Brackett Library offered its share of new experiences. Whether for work or social izing , students took advantage of the library. The new ne twork sys tem provided on-line ca talogs and other sources such as the Voice of America broadcast. The system also made other university library ca talogs, tl1roughout the United States and England, available. Students could access mat erials they needed that th Brackett d id not have through inter-library loan. Voice of America provided va luable tools to students. Many speeches, inc luding those of Presiden t Bi ll Clinton , could b e printed and used for up-to-dat e researcl1 on the current administration . Voice of Amf'r ica also had daily news bri e fs from o rgan iza tions such as NASA, the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, the World Bank and the World Hea lth Organization . Tl1e m enu of information inc luded g neral information, e lectroni c mail addresses and a department ca lled "What's New. " But if the compl f' tC' tru th were known . the library was probably more infamot 1~ 101 i ts reputation as a soc ial lmngout tllan as a quiet spot for rctrcrn and study. Jerem y Winters, senior, sa id that Ile went to the library because it w as quie ter than the dorm. "I com e to the library and 1 stay and get tl1ings done," he sa id. Junior Bryan McDermott said he preferr d to study in the library because it was boring to study in the dorm. However , these two students w ere probably in the minority. Junior She lly Farrier said she and her fri ends m e t in the library thr e or four times a w eek to enjoy each o ther's company. Courtney Koch , al o a junior , echoed Farri er's logic. "I probably spend four hours a w eek in the library as a soc ial hangout ," sl1e said. Some students w ent with good intentions, but found it hard to focus once they got th re. "I w nt to the library with int entions to study , but two- thirds of my time was spent socializing ," junior Kristin Bask tt said . Other students tried to be more he lpful. "I com e to the library and encourage my g irlfriend to study, " junior Shawn Kill en said. A v isit to tl1e Brackett Library proved the presence of many students as th y sca tter d among the books , on-line terminals and periodicals. Wha tever they found to occupy themselves wl1ile there , they w ere at least using it. - Christie Mangrum Clwryl Grahan1 - Tulsil . Okl a. Roymo nc/ Gru/1wn - Franks 1on. Tc x11s Sl<'t ><'ll Greorh o1 1.sc - Nasl1, ·ill !:'. ,-\rk . Apryl Gffer - Ko ko m o. Incl . Curo Leo Grcoory - Nor111 u11l !:' Hock. Mk ll 'i//ir1111 Croce - S e<ir< y. l\rk . Jill <;rrn '<' - .\IHll011l1<111. \'<1 U.s11 (iJ<il'<' - '>1111111..,luirg. ~lei Cru ifJ Ciu.s ruf.son - 11<1mso11Jn11g. \ ·,1 JU~} /lull - E l l11<1\. ca Jonw.s I lrnn - l3<1rr le11. Tc. 111 S rep/1w1ic 1-lommirr - 1wckpn r1 . 111 Trat iis I /OIJSSe /J - E l Caj o n . Cil li l. Jeff 1-lorclill - Mc Kinney. T exao. Stacey 1-lurgrot >e - B raclfo rd . A r k ,\/e /isso I Jorlan - Conway. Ark. Jeremy I Jornes.s - Li bcn y , ·ill c. 11 1. Drnno 11 I /orris - S!:'arcy. ,\ r k . Jason I /Ut'Orcl - Lu fkin . T CXilS Brocl/c'y I /ayes - 1ack<,o n . T enn . Curnwn /-/eot/J - w es r 1o nroP. La. /-l eorher 1-leffingron - Dci y1011 . N .J Roc /w l 1-/einekc - Tuo.cci loosa. t\lci . S/JOIW Helm - Rus s e ll v ill e. 1\rk. .I ll n i o rs 81 P c o p I e