Going Home For many senior international students, graduation means not only receiuing a diploma and getting a job, but going back home. When home is across the ocean, in another coun try, graduation Christmas. Why did they choose to attend school so far from home? means not only leaving I larding Universi ty , but also th United Walton Scholarship students , such as Franco and Martinez, came to States for an unknown p eriod of time . Many interna tional students Harding because that is where the scholarship sent them. However, faced this transition as they walked across the Benson stage and Lih Yu (Sandi) Lin heard of Harding through a friend in the mission then re turned to H1e ir coun tri es where tl1ey could work and use the church in Taiwan. In order to come to the United States, she had to education they had received. take an English tes t and be approved by Harding. She plans to return "I want to go back home to he lp th children and give back what I received at Harding," Lydia Walter said. She is re turning to Honduras to work in a private, bilingual school. Alex Martinez from Guat mala City , Guat mala, earn d a mark ting degree to take back home, hoping to one day open his own business . Many of til es students w ere understandably homesic k along the way. To them, graduation represent ed a longing of a different kind. Tm ready to go back home and not have to worry about wl1en I have to come back," W ndy Franco said. She is returning to Honduras to work in special educa tion. While many students from the states often wished they could live a little c loser to s arcy so that they could make a quick trip home, internat ional studen ts felt lucky if thf'y could just get home for L_ to Taiwan to work wh n she graduates. International students were introduced to many foods, customs and id as when they cam to school; however, probably the first and biggest barrier for them was the language. Franco was taught English in higl1 school and waiter had grown up using English; howev r , Lin knew very little - just enough to pass the tes t. She found it very difficult to learn. The international students have long been acknowledged on campus as hard workers and good fri ends. Students recognize them for the extra work they go to and the many extra miles they trave l to receive an educa tion that wi ll help them better their coun tri es and the ir churches. - Christie Mangrum Jennifer Thornpson - Lander. wyo. Busin ss Management. Transfer (York College1 . J\/Qlt Tiller - Knox,·ille. Tenn . Human Resources. 1\lpha Chi. Ameri can Stud ies. Campaigns (Colorado). Dean·s Lis t. De lia Mu Delta. Intercollegiate Athletics (Golf. coCi:lptain). S.'\M. Natasha Truisci - New Fairfield. conn . social Science Kappa Kappa Kappa (ICC RC'presen1a1ive). t\ lp l1a C11i. Campaigns. Ci rc le K. A lpha Gamma Omega Queen. oear1's List. Harc ling 11osts. 11ard1ng University 1n Florence. Kapp<i Delta Pi (Vice Pres1clcnt). Pili Alpha Tl1eta (President), SAM (Vice President), TEA H. Pili Etn Sigma. TiffUll!J Trommel/ - San DiC'go. Calif. Elementary Education. Campaigns (South ,\lric<i . Hussi<i. ~li<imi. Houston). Dean·s Lis t. Kappa Delta P1. .Jun Trrn 10 /1/Jc r - Columbia . Mo. Cornmunic<11ion Disorders. De lta Gamma Rho !1'ws1cien1 . Athlettc Director). .-\lpl1a Cl ii. American Stuclies. Dean·s List. Harding L'ni\ ·crs11y ill Florence . Residcn1 Assis1an1. S1uclcn1 Impact. Student Speech & 11em1ng ,\ssocia1ion. Who's Wl10. Text Tr<lUQ/J/)er - N1kiski, Alaska. Bible/1l tSIOry . TNT. r\lpha Chi. Ameri an Studies. Delta Gamma Hho Beau. De<in's List. t l<irding Uni\'crsity 111 Florence. Phi . \lph<i Theta. Timorh~ lub. \\'l1o·s Wl10. Cot/1/~;11 Tsirgiotis - Rocl1es1er. N.Y. Englisll/Frencl1. Transfer (Northeastern Cl 1ns11a11 Junior College) . Regimi. 1\lpha Cl1i. .'\mcric< n Stuclies. Dean·s Lts1. Kappa Oel1<1 P1 . Sigma Tau Delta. Scnl) IJlers. w11o·s who . Toro Tlll)l.J - Mobi le. Ala . lnterna1ional Stud ies . Ka Re Ta. Campaigns (Scotland). Campus M1ntslr) '. Frcncl1 Club. I larding Unvcrs11y in 1=1orence. JOY. Spanisll Club. Stuclent Impact. Unl\·ers11)· Singers . Cllris till<' Tucker - Rogersville. Mo. Music Educat ion . Kappa Gamma Epsilon. Campaigns (Venezuela). Del ta Chi Delta Queen. C-MENC. Concert Choi r (Vice President. President). Dean's List. Dramatics (Homecoming Musicals). Omicron Della. w11o·swho . Loura Tucker - Fayetteville. ,\rk. Interior Design . SIC1Cf'y Tucker - Madison. Neb. Engltsl1 . Jenny Tyree - Chari ton. towa . Public Relations . Ka Re T<i. Bancl. Bison Stafl. Campus Ministry. oncen Choir. Dean's List. JOY. Per11 Jean Staff (Student Life Editor. Copy Editor). Hesiclen1Assistan t. tuclent lmpa 1(StPering Committee). TV-19, Dramatics (I tomecoming Musical). Who's Wl10 Sc 11 i o r s 73 People