1994-1995 Yearbook

Alden Srrealy - Tigard . Ore . Biology. Kappri Tau omega. College Republi cans. Dean·s L1s1 Clilll trong - pringfield. Mo . B io logy . P1 Kappa Epsilon (Vice Presiclent). Alpha Cl1 1. 1\merican Stuclies. 11emistry Clul) . n ean·s List . Harding Universi ty in Florence. Student Impact (Steering Committee). Hono rs Program. ,\ larcella Sullil'an - Bridgewater. N.J Cl1tld Development. zeta Rl10 (Treasurer). AHE. \ (Vice Presiclent). campaigns (Dulutll. Minn .. Kenya). Campus Ministry. Dean·s List . JOY \\ 'cncty Sutllarct - Wingo. Ky . Pro1ess1onal Sa les . Transfer (Unl\·ers11y of Tennessee a t Man in). Kappa Kapp<t Kappa. Pi Sigma Epsilon. N<t1ional Sales! Marke ting Fraternity Renee Su •enson - HunSl\'tlle. A la Special Educa tion/Elementary c:ctuca1ion Zeta Rho . Dean's LISI. JOY. Kappa Delta Pl. TEACH . Student Impact T/1omas Tanny - York. Neb. B1ocl1emis1ry . Jwne_-; Tate - Jackson. Tenn . AC oun11ng Llelra Chi Delta. Campa igns (Venezuela1. Kappa Gamma Epsilon Beau. Concert Chorr (Treasurer). Delta Mu Lleltil. 1111ramurals. Resident Assistant. SA Comm111ee (Student Activities). w11o·s Wllo . \\'encti Toy/or - St. Helens. Ore . Elementary Educa tio n . Shantil1. campaigns (Russia). Dearl's List. JOY. Resident Assist<tnt. TEACH . Stacey Telgrcn - Springtown. Texas . Eleme111a ry Educa11on. Narasho Thacker- Ba ld Knob. A rk . urs1ng. Kappa Kappa Kappa. Dean·s Lrst. I IS A (i\Ssrs1a111 Frrst Vice President. Frrst vrce President). Nationa l Collegiate Nursing Award . Betty Renee T/1omas - Searcy. Ark . Office Sys1erns . campus M1n1s1ry (Le trers for 1J1e Lord) . oean·s List. JOY (Secretary). Pl1i Eta Sigma . Karla Thomas - Toleclo . Ohio. Elementary Ecluca 11on . P eo pl e 72 Seniors Ginger Gee. < 1 senior inwrior clcsion mojor from Toipci . Tuiu 1w1. u •orks on 011 un projeCI . Gc·c I>Ions 10 u •ork seuerul yeurs ufrerur(l(luwion rnKI then go to gruc luwe school. Photo L>y Jason Bun.