Sadie Hawkins The annual Sadie Hawkins week prouided many Harding girls an ex cuse to ask o ut the boy of their choice. Once again the S. A . arranged a Sadie Hawkins Week to g ive the females of Hard ing the opp o rtunity to s tep out and take the initiative to arrange an evening of fun with the m an o f their choice . Sadie Hawk.ins week began with a talen t show on Monday night. About I 00 s tudents w a tched fe llow s tudents perform and d m onstrate vario us talents. On Tuesday, for a more intel lectual f' \'C'ning, s tudents attended the Am eri can Stud ies lecture with featured speaker Malcolm s. Forbes. Wednesday offered the Peak of the Week servi ce, followed b y refr shments in the student center p rovid d by the S.A. "All Dogs go to Heaven" was the movie for Thursday night . Students ga thered on the front lawn for the movie and hot chocolate and popcorn, again provided by the S. A. The Bison footba ll gam e on Saturday, as w ell as the Acappe lla concert that night , ended Sadi Hawkins w eek . Joseph Williams said he was sitting in the American Heritage when a g irl asked him to eat lunch with her in the cafe teria . He agreed to have lunch , and he said they had a nice talk. "I may be a Southern boy, but any nice g irl who has 1he fortitude to ask me out deserves m y time," William s said. Wayne Cook said his relationship w ith his g irlfriend began b y her asking him o ut . He said he had p lanned to ask her out , but she beat him to it b y send ing him a letter through e-m ail. Cook said it was easier to ask her o ut the second time because she had asked him out firs t. Many Harding women found it difficult to ask the m en out for many reasons. "I w o uld not ask a guy out because rm a little b it o ld fashioned ." freshman Kathy Herrin said. She also said she didn 't believe o ur so c iety had changed enough for w om en to ask m en out . She thinks it is still the m an's place to ask w om en on dates . Some wom en w ould not ask the men because they feared rej ection . "I would ask a guy out if 1 w as comfortable and certain o f a positive reac tion ," freshman Amy Thornton said . Others said they would only ask guys to c lub func tions and Sadie Hawkins activities . One feeling Sadie Hawkins Week brought out in women of Harding was an appreciation for the nerve it takes for a m an to ask them o ut . How ever , all agreed that Sadie Hawk.ins w eek was a good opportunity to meet new people and become be tter acqua inted w ith o ther students. - Christie Mangrum Na1han Mello r - Mobile. A la. B ible . Knights (President). Band. campaigns (Russia). campus Ministry. Sigma Phi Mu Beau. Intercollegiate A1hle tics. SA Presiden t . SA committ ee. Universi ty Singers (President). Who·s Who. John Mercer. Jr . - Pangburn . Ark. Human Resources/Soc io logy/Psychology. Transfer (New Hamphire College) . Studen t Impact. Sharon Me.ssersmil/1 - Chula Vista. Calif. ursing . Leslie MiJJer - Nonh Litt le Rock . Ark . Elementary Educati on . Tim Millf'r - west Chicago. Ill. social w o rk . Jennifer Mills - Searcy . Ark . Eng lish . Ka Re Ta (Social Director). Alµha Chi . Bison Staff. Dean·s Lis t. lntramurals . Kl ICA Staff. Sigma Tau Delta. TV· 19 . Not /1an Mi lls - Fredonia. Kan. Biology. A lpha Chi. Dean·s List. Int erco llegia te A thle tics (Cross Country - NAJA Academic A ll-Ameri can . A ll-N1\IA D is tri c t 17 . A ll-AtC: Track. All·NAIA Oistric1 I 7. All·AJC) . JoAnne Mitchell - Monroe. La . Elementary Educa tion Ph i ne11a . A lpha Chi. campaigns (Eas1e rn Europeam Dean·s List. Drama1ics. JOY. Kappa Dcl1a Pi. Tentmakcrs . Who·s Who . Karen Monk - v an Buren . Ark . Nursing. Transfer (York College). Kelly Montgomery - Memphis. Tenn . You1h Minis1ry. TNT (Devo Director) . ze1a Hho Beau. Student Impac t. Timo thy Club. Volunt eers in Support of Admissions . Kei th Moore - Pala tka. Fla . Ma thema1i s . Transfer (Universily or No rt h Florida) . TNT. Colleg Republicans . Dean·s List. Michael Moore - Searcy. Ark . Psycho logy. A lpha Chi. who·s who . Seniors 65 P eo p l e