Angel Tree Students take part in Project Angel Tree in order to buy gifts for children of inmates during the Christmas season. Imagine that it's Christmas and the only thing you have in your hous is a tiny Christmas tree on your coffee table. You go out one day and, when you come back, a stack of presents waits there for you and your brother and sister. You go wild with excitement. Who could hav brought all th presents? Ken McMahan . one of many involved in Project Angel Tree . saw this scenario played over and over again as he helped deliver pres nts to 120 children in nine counties during the 1993 Christmas season . Project Angel Tree is a national organization that gives Christmas pres nts to children when one or both parents are in jail, according to April Kennedy, coordinator of Harding's 1994 Angel Tre project . Kennedy became familiar with this project as a high school stud nt . She wanted to make the project a reality so she researched the organization and got Harding involved. She found out that inmates signed their families up and these lists went to a regional office and wer disbursed to an organization. Many student volunteers made the initial contact with these families and information was gathered about the children: gender. Erin I lundlq; - Colt1mbus. ~ 1iss . SpanL h Luriso I lunniCWI - I lose Buel . Ark. Kinesiology Lynn Hunr - Idaho Falls. Idaho. Compu1c r Science/Music . Delia Ch i Dell a. 1\ lpila Chi. Band. Cl1amber Orches1ra. Della Delia Della Epsilon 13cau. C·MENC. concen Choir . Dean·s Lisi . L'n iversi1y Chorus. L'nivers11y Singe rs . Julie 1-/uskq; - Jonesboro. Ark. Elemen1arv Ecluca1ion Solem Jslos - Hose Bud. A rk . communicauon Disorders A1nc/io .Jamison - Nashville. 1\rk . Enghsl1 . Shonshon .Jen - Taipei . Taiwan Advenising. Hcgina. Band. Bison s1aff. Campaigns (New York). Conccn Choir . Kl-ICA Slaff. TV· 19. Un ivc rs il y Singers. Tin l .Jenkins - Pr ior Lake . Minn. Social science. KCtr!J Jensen - Hingkebing. Denmark. 1niema1iona l Business/Professional Sales Shan1ih. Campa igns. 1niercollcgia1e A lhl ' lies. Si\~!. Pi Sigma Epsilon Kel'in .Jensen - Bakerslield. calit Hehgious Educa1 ion/English Theia Tau De lla. :\lpha Ch1. .\merican S1udics. Band. Dean·s Lisi . Sigma Tau Delia. Who's Who ./oson ./etuell - Searcy. Ark . I lis1ory~lt1sic Della Chi De ll a. Alpha Chi . American 1ud1es. Campa igns (England1. College Howl Team. Concen C11oir. Dean·s Lisi . Harrilng L'nivers11y in Greece. 11arcling L'nivcrsi1y in Florence. Phi t\lpha The1a . S1ucle r11 lmpacl. Who's Who. Pi Sigma 1\lpha . Angelo Johnson - ~1emphrs. Tenn . Accmrnling . Jt1 Go Jt1. Dean·s Lisi. Della ~Ju Della . I larcling L1nivers i1 ~ · rn Florence. 1niercollegia1e 1\1l1le1ics . A lpl1a Cl1i. P <'op I <' 60 S e n i o rs age, c lothing n eded, a toy they wanted and a wish gift. The information was put on an angel on a Christmas tree set up in the student center. Students quickly lined up to be a part of the project. Each child was to rece ive three gifts, in addition to Wal-Mart gift certificates which were given to those taking care of the children. Kennedy said that about half of the 360 angels were snapped up immediately during the first day they set up the angel tree. 'The student response was incredible," Kennedy said. Perhaps more rewarding than the giving was observing each child as they rece ived their gifts. McMahan wished that everyone could have b en a part of the deliv ries and witness as he did the wide-eyed astonishment of the children . The children's response was overwhelming. One child said, "I knew my dad wouldn't forget me." Another said, 'Tell my dad thank you for the present- I don't hat him anymore." Project Angel Tree was an opportunity to make some hurting children's Christmas brighter. All those involved were able to reach out and touch someone in a real and profound way. - Lois Voyles