Strange Names In the sea of Matts, Steuens and Jennifers on our campus, euery now and then an unusual name pops up. What's in a nam ? Apparently, a lot of heart. heritage and even happenstance. These bear rs of unfamiliar titles are often treated to many questions. inc luding the ever-popular . "Now. where did that name come from?" Some unusual names are the product of a parent's creativity. For example. sophomore- Freedom Goguen·s parents had each determined that they would name the ir daughter "Freedom" even before they met each other! During that same Janice Joplin era, Drommie Mitchell's parents dubbed her "Andromeda Charisma. " in a tribute to Greek mythology. While some names are filled witll m eaning, otllers are ri c ll in h ritage. Gisela "Gigi" Graham was named after her mom's German roommate in college. And one cannot be a student on Harding's campus without being introduced to the vibrant personalities of AXel and Ingrid Liimatta . This brother and sister from Michigan hail from a six-sibling family of Swedish descent. In homage to the ir relatives, the Liimatta chi ldren are named Axel Fred . Ingrid Elaine, Irving Fred . Alva Elaine. Sigrid Elaine and Oke Harry Fred. Wllile some chi ldren are given unique names at birth , others· names are personalized through time and chance. True love forever changed senior Amy Hawkins· name to Amy Amy. When first meeting her future husband. Darre ll Amy, they joked that they could never date each other. However, Providence had other things in mind . and now "Amy Amy" c reates a stir wherever slle goes. Some names are made unique because of other famous personalities bearing the same name. For example. did you know tllat Rich Little and Betty Davis are now attending Harding? Or that Amy Grant graduated last year? How does it feel to be so unique ly named? All the students interviewed were happywith their names. "People always remember m e because of my name," Goguen said. "It's an instant icebreaker," commented Axel Liimatta . "People assume that you're cool ," Ingrid Liimatta added. "It he lps you make a good first impression and it's a great conversation piece," she said. And one can't he lp but wonder , would Axe l be as exciting, would Freedom be as freespirited. if they had been named Johnny and Sue? - Shannon Smith P0t 1/o Gorrowtc - Wichita. Kan. Nursing. Moribcl Gorz(I - Sa li nas. Calif. Commun1ca 11on Disorders . Tom Goskins - Pa lmda le. Fla . socia l Science Ga laxy. College n epublicans. Dean·s Lisi. 1n1ramurals. Kappa Delta Pi . Pili 1\lpl1a The1a. S1t1dc111 1mpac1. Ginger (Chi-Yuun . C/Ji ) Gee - Taipei. Taiwan . 1n1cr ior Dl'sign . Sl1an1il1 . campus Ministry. Stcp/1onie Gcngcnboch - oma l1a. Neb. Psycl1ology. Ju Go Ju. r\lp l1a Chi. College nepublicans. Dean·s List . Delta ~Ju Delt a. Forensics Team. Iota Beta Sigma. Phi Bela Laml) d a. Psi Ch i. SAM. SllKlent Impact. Who's Who . Phi Eta Sigma. Mic /1e/e Germon - Forrest Ci ty. Ark . Psychology. Kappa Gamma Epsi lon. A lpha Chi. American Sludies . Campaigns (Choin. Concert Cho ir. Dean's List . Phi Eta Sigma . Tcreso G/(IZ<' - Bald Knob. 1\rk. Pl1armac~'· Shel/on (PUO!J Choo) Goh - Singapore. nepuhlic nf Singapore I lum<in ncsources . T ransfer (ASU - Beebe) . i \lpha Chi . 1\mer ican SHKlies. Delt a ~Ju Delt a. Society for I htman n esow ces Managemen1. Luis GOlllC'Z - Tegucigalpa. I londuras . r\ CCOl lllling. Ga lctxy. A lpha Chi. Amer ican Stuclies. Dean·s L ist . Delta Mu Delta. lntramurals. National Intercollegia te ~lc rit Award . C/1ris Green - Ashdown . A rk . You1h Ministry. Cindy Griffith - West Memphis. Ark . Elcml'n tary Ecil1rn 11on . Delt" Gamma nho. Kappa Delta P1. TE!\CI I. Mall I lobecker - nando lp h . N.J. M<i nagement sen i ors 57 P c o JJ I c