Freshmon Freedom Goguen tokes octuanroge ofo sunny clay by doing an an projecr ow bPsicle rhe Lily Pool . FrePcionl's pownrs knew whor rhey wanred ro nome rheir chi/<1 l>Pfore r/1ey hoc/ euen mer eoch orher. Phoro /Jy Joson Bun. Junior Axel Liimarro parienrly wairs for on organizorion picrure ro lw rakenfor rlw Peti t Jean. Axel. as well os his /Jrorllers anct sisrers. were named afrer rheir Swedish ancesrors. Phoro by Jason Bun. KCn!Jon Fletcher - Ocala. Fla . ~tarketing . Jill Fore/ - Columbia. Tenn . Elemernary Educalion. GATA. Dean·s Lis t. rnt ramurals. Kappa Delt a Pi . TEACI I. Wade Fox - Lavaca . Ark. Biology. R11ondo Frozier - Eugene. Ore . Fashion ~terchandising . Transfer (Universi ty of Oregon1 Chi Omega Pi 1sunsl11ne Gir l). AHEA (Sta te and •at iona l Chapters). campaigns (Jamaica. Miami!. College Republicans. rntramurals. Intercollegiate Athle ti cs (Track1. Home Economics I ronor Scholarship Greg Frenrh - Omaha . Neb. Economics Crerchen French - Bellevue. Neb. Elemen1ary Educa1ion. OEGE. Resident Assis tan t. TE.'\CI t Jock French - ,'\ustin. Texas . Business Management. A lpha Chi. oean·s List. Delta Mu Del ta. Society tor Human Resources Management Jason Fuller - Fairfax. va . communication Disorders/Span ish . A lpha Chi. .'\me ri can Studies. Campaigns (Venezue laJ. Dacty lo logy. Dean·s List. Spanish Club. Student Speech & I learing Association (President). Universit y Singers . Shane Goge- Fon wonl1. Texas Youth ~hnistry . Chi Sigma A lpha. Alpha Ch1. .'\mencan S1udies. Campaigns tHaiu. Australia). Campus Ministry. Dean·s Lis1 . S.'\ Commiuee (Spi ritual Life). Youth corps (President ). Who's Who . Rochelle Conn - Hamilton. Ala . Elementary Education. Dean·s List . Kappa Delta Pi. TEr\CI I Bonnie Cont - Littleton . Colo. Psychology Zeta Rho (Vice President) . Campaigns (Kenya. HussiaJ. Tl"T Queen. Conquerors. Dean·s List. Stuclent Impact (Steering comminee). Who's Who . /lorry Gomer - ~tt. Pleasant. Tenn Physics/Computer Science . Sigma Tau Sigma. .'\lpha Ch1. Dean·s Lisi. Computer Programming Team. Association for Computing Machinery (Vice Chairman1 Pe o p J e 5 6 Seniors