1994-1995 Yearbook

Looking Seniors look forward to graduation and begin making p lans for future 1olJs onci, for sorne, graduate school. <,, ddu~11i11g from I larciing CC1n be Cl mixture of excitement anci . li )! )rel 1cnsion. A lthough tl1e tl1ought of leaving tl1e security of college c:md graduating can be scary, most seniors looked forward to then w adventures that awa it ed them. It is a new world of bil ls and new careers. '·I am really looking forward to it, but I think about ~ all tl1e responsibility and it's v ry scary ," sa id s nior Debbie Howell, from East Alton, Ill. The time after graduation is also a time in which many students look forward to s tarting all over. Deborah Harvey, Jeffersonville, Ind. , who will b e attending medica l school in the fall of I 995, said, "In many ways, an undergraduate educa tion canno t prepare you for medical school; however , the spiritual ins truc tion I have recei\'ed will prepare m e for any s itua ti on." As seniors prepared to graduate th y had to d c ide what path they would take once they le ft college. For many, that meant returning home and finding a job. Others planned such things as gradua te school. "Once I leave Harding, I plan to a tt nd g radua te a sen ior from Dallas , Texas, expressed her excitem en t about the school somewhere. Right now, it's just a matter of figuring out trans ition from college life to the "rea l world" by adding, 'Tm excit ed to graduate and to get a j ob and begin a new life ." This "new life" that graduating seniors looked forward to is also r1 transition tha t is full of many important decisions. But some sen iors faced the future with confidence . 'Tm not scared at all because I know that the Lord will provide a way, " sen ior Christine Tucker, from Rogersv ille, Mo., said. One of the unique aspects of Harding has been its emphasis on p reparing s tuden ts, not only to b e successful in future careers, but to be "educated for eternity ." Danny Moore, a senior from where I would like to go," said sen ior Jenny Chesser from New Orleans, La . Others planned to work a few years and then at tend g raduate school. Whatever p lans sen iors made for the future, they spent much o f the senior year filling out reques ts for degree forms, sending off transcr ipts , filling out applica ti ons and typing resumes. But most s tudents cam to Harding for th s reasons in tile firs t p lace - to p repare for the future intell c tually, but even more importantly , to prepare for the futur spiritually. - Mistee Kerl ey Hol;in A usr in - Pmagoulcl. Ark. Cornniur1ication nisorclers. Ko Jo K<li. /\lpl1a Cl1i. C<lmpaigns (Ukraine). r\lpl1;1Tau Epsilon Queen. De<trl's List. Stuclent lmp<tct (Energy Group Leader). Student Speech & 11cming Association. Stuclent Counc rl for Exceptional C11ilclren. Natiorrnl Stude111 SpeeclVLnnguage/l lemrng 1\ssocra11on . Scott Baine - Tyronza. Ark. Grapl1ic Design. Dean·s List. 1l<trcling University in Florence. K<tppa Pi. Petit Jean St<tff (Studen t Life Editor. Ecliton. S/\ Class Hepresentati\'e (Fresl1rnen. Sopl1omore1. S i \ Commrttee (;\d\'ertrsrngJ. Stuclent lmpacr (Steering Committee. Co·Dll'CCtOr). Volunteers in Support o f 1\drniss1ons. Wl1o·s Who. Omicron nel ta. Hed Brick Studios (President). Alpha Cl1i JJewhcr Boker - Kensett . Ark. Element;iry Ecluc<ttion. Tmnsfer (i \SU-Beel)eJ . K<tpp<t Delta Pi. TEACH Hrnnono Bunklwurl - Front Roy<tl. V<t . Psyct1ology. Joel Burr - Sl1ericlan. 1\rk. Cl1em1stry . Kntgl1ts. Alpl1a Clli. Cl1emistry Club. College Republicans. Dean·s List. lntr<tmurals. University Singers. Pili Eta Sigma. JcjfrqJ BWTOLU - i \ledo. Texas . c:conomics. Pi Sigma Epsilon. Jcr inifcr Barry - Marina clel Hey. Ca li!. Accounting. Delta Gamm<1 Hl10 (Secretary). De<t1l's List. Delta Mu Delt<t. Harcling Uni,·ersity in Florence. Pi G<1m111a Psi. Pili Beta Lambda (Secret<tryJ. Tammy Bartch -Minneapolis. Minn. Special Education . Zeta Hilo. Campaigns (1t<tly1. TNT Queen. Dean's List. J larcling University in Florence . JOY Krisri Barwick - Hope. Mk. Fasl1ion Mercl1andising. Bryon Boshatn - Moscow. Ohio. ~tanagement. J\ lichucl Boss - Searcy. Ark. Advertising. Galaxy. Bison Staff. Student Impact. TV- I 9. l'ctil Nun Staff (Assistant Pllotogrnpher). 1\ll f)clO Bcoch - North Little Rock . Ark. Accounting. S c· 11 i o rs 49 Pc op I c