1994-1995 Yearbook

There is a time for euerything, and a season for euery actiuity under heauen." - Ecclesiastes 3: i-s (NIV) rh;zge Of PACE \J VOLUME 71 SCOTT BAINE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF JASON BURT, PHOTOGRAPHER KAY GOWEN, ADVISER ©HARDING UNIVERSITY, SEARCY, AR 72149 1 9 9 5 P E T T J E A N Cha(/ ancl I laley Clo t/Jier talk with Brian Hall after neccm/Jcrgracluation . Fric11c/s/Jip.s wmarned cons1w11 in1/w winds q{cliuno<'. / ' /1oro l>y .l<j/ ,\lo t lf!J011wry .