Circle, Sandus ky. OH . 44870 Pe tt y. Robert J. (Freshman). 1800 Bar-K Hanc h Rd .. L o ngview . TX. 75605. Pe nypool . Pl1y llis Ma ri e (Sp ecial). Pe tway. Audra Lee (Freshman ). P. 0 Box 1255. Searcy. 1\R. 72 143: 122. Peurifoy. Amy M . (Jun ior). 341 Marn lebrook Dr.. DeSoto. TX. 75 1 15; 86. 168. 260. Pfe ife r . L. (Facult y). I 7 Harding D r.. Searcy. AR. 72143: 20. Pha rr . Jeremy Ph ill ip (Fresl1man). 800 S teeplec l1ase Dr.. Brentwood. TN. 37027. Phi A lp ha T he ta. I 70. Phi De lra. 259. Phi E ta Sigma . I 70. Phillip . M i lissa L. (Freshman ). HD # I . Box 160. Nant y G lo. PA. 15943: I 22. Pl1illips Bryan (Facu li y). HU Box 746. Searcy. AR. 72 149: 36. C11r is topl1er M . (Sen ior). 3 124 Longho rn C t. . Ft Co llins. co. 80526: 6 7 . 94. 174. 175. 265 Fern A. (Specia l). Lisa M. (Sopl1omore). 886 Cochran Rd .. Columbia . TN. 3840 1: I O I . 252. Matthew L. (Freshman ). r 825 Willow Hd .. Carrollton. TX. 75006: 122. 252 Matthias M . (Fresl1man). 3 124 Longhorn Cl . F t. Co llins. CO. 80526. Rache l M . (Fres l1man). 5 I 72 Yale Rd .. Mcmpl1is, TN. 38 134: 122 Russell w. 1Sophomore). 5 122 N. w. Wa lden Dr.. Kansas City, MO. 64 15 1. Sharon (S taff). 850 Pleasan t spgs He!. wes t . Quitman. AR. 72 13 1. Sl1aron E . (Senior). 1600 Wrigl1t Dr.. Su lphur Springs. TX. 75482: 6 7 . 256. Tamara D . (Sen ior). 850 Pleasant Springs Rd. west. Qu i1man . AR 72 131: 67. 136, 150. 15 1. 173 . Pl1ilpo t1 . David (Sophomore). 15 Mu rriel Hd .. SwampsCOl l. MA. 0 1907: 154. 166 Phinisee. Pa tricia D. (Jun ior). 753 R iveria Cr.. Greem·i lle. MS. 3870 1. Phys ica l Sc ie n ce Depa rrmc nt . 39. Pi Kappa Dc lra. 146 . Pi Kappa Ep s il o n . 258 Pi Sigm a Ep s il o n . 146. Pic k ens Elizabe th C. (Sen ior). 5935 Springburn Dr.. Dub lin. 0 11. 430 17: 67, 174. 175. Ju l ie s . (Sen ior). I r r Stacey Dr.. Ba tesv ille. AR. 7250 I: 67. 256. Pic k e ring. Da rre ll H . (Sen ior). 503 Lucian Ct .. Savannah . GA. 3 1406: 67. 255 Pic ke tt . M ichael A. (Senior). P. 0. Box 540. Clinton. AR. 72031. Pi c kles ime r. Laura (Fresl1man). 372 Stone coa l Rd . . Volga. KY. 41266: 123. 161. 165. I f6. 168 . Pi ed Pipe rs. 158. Pie rce Denise Diane (Senior) . 13407 Byars Rd .. Grandview. MO. 64030: 67. 152. 178. Edward L. (Freshman). r 93 I Cedar Ridge #42. s 1ock1on. CA. 95207 . Hearher M . (Jun ior). 7202 N.E. Meadows Dr.. Vancouver. WA. 98662: 86. 159. 262. Pie rson . Da\'id A. (Freshman). 120 Ridgeway Ave . . Louis\·ille. KY. 40207: 123. Pigg. Malissa J. (Sophomore) . Pigott . Jason R. (Sopl1omore). 720 Norwood S r.. Picayune. MS. 39466: 1o1. 15 1. Pike r . Karen S. (Junior). Pined a. Gabriel E. (Fresl1man). 2 Ave . 9 Co ll e N. 0 . # I 6. San Pedro Su la. Cortes. Honduras : 123 . Pipe r . Aa ron T (Freshman). 4 19 Williamsburg Rel. . Ulica. NY. 13502: 180. Pipes. Kris1y G. (Sophomore). 305 Crys1al H ills Bl\'d .. Mani1ou Springs. CO. 80829. Pit c l1c r . David E . (Junior). I 1985 S.E. I 08111. In ct ex 298 Portl a nd. OR 97266: 86. Pirman . Laura L. 1Sopl1omore). 9509 W. 59 th S1.. Indianapo lis. IN. 46234: IO I . 260. Pitt Paul (Facu lt y). CO\'ington Rd. 159 . Searcy. AR. 72 143: 3 1 Sl1aron (Fantliy). Covington Rel . 159. Searcy. AR. 72 143: 36 T imot h y Martin (Senion. Pittman C l1mles (F<1cul 1y). 14 Jenny Lynne Dr.. Searcy. AR. 72 143: 35 C l1 r is 1ina R . (Fres l1man). I 18 N. 11a 11 on Ave .. Lebanon. TN. 37087: 123 . 250 Pill s Fran k. 111 (Facu li y). 609 E . Park. Searcy. AR. 72143 . Hebecca L. (Sopl1omore). I 0504 Fernridge Ln .. El Paso. TX. 79925: IO I . Pl ank . M is ri L. (Ju nior). 7324 s. Gafford. B roken Arrow. OK. 74014: 158 Plastere r . M iche ll e I. (Sen ior) . Pla n . Hobbie Dawn (Senior). 68 15 Meodowbrook. O live Brnnch. MS. 38654: 67. Plem o ns. B rent R. (Sopl1omore). r 709 C lay1on Dr.. Cl1a tt anooga. TN. 3742 I. Plumnwr Keas l1ia D. (Fresl1man). Mi chael (Facu!l y). 22 Glenmere. Searcy. AR. 72 143. Scott M icl1ael (Freshman). 22 Glenmere. Searcy. r\ R. 72 143: 264 Sha ro n (Slaff). 22 Glenmere. Searcy. 1\R. 72 143 . Pl y la r . Sl1ery l M. (Sopl1omore). 9 r 05 Green\' ille Hwy.. Spartanburg. SC. 2930 I: 153. 26 1. Pog ue Donn ie E. (Junior) . HC 63 Box 320D. Mt. leta. AR. 7 1957. , Jenni fer K. (Freshman). 29203 Quail Dr.. Katy. TX. 77493 Poincl e xtc r Brian C. (Jun ior) Eclwin (S laff). 128 Poinctexrer Ln. McHae. AR. 72 102 . Sylv ia (Staff), 128 Poindexrer Ln. McRae. AH. 72102: 44. Polido r. Kennecly (Sophomore): 123. 145. 234. Po liquin . Angela H . (Sophomore). 9 I Lakeview Cove. Cabot. ; \ R. 72023 Polk Je remy An11lony (Fresl1man). P o . Box 778. Waynesboro. TN. 38485: 123. Josl1u;:i Howard (Sophomore). P. 0 . Box 778. Waynesboro. TN. 38485: 1or . 146. POll<HCI G lenn E .. 11 (Junior). P 0. Box I 90. J11c1sonia. t\H. 7208 1 Gwendolyn (S1aff). 920 Skyline Dr.. Searcy. AR. 72 143. Jesse. Jr. (Facu ll ) '). 920 Skyline Dr.. Searcy. i \R. 72143: 20. Jesse Paul. 111 (Senion . Sl1annon (Sopl1omore). 920 skyline Dr.. Seorcy. AR. 72 143: 86. 265. Pollno w , Te ri Suzette (Grd Educ) . Po m c rc nk . S1even A. (Junior). 2360 Cardigan. Memph is. TN. 38 I 19: 86. 264 . Po o vey. Eri c Lang (Senior): 67. Po rt e r Andrea M . (Sen ior). 9825 Slate Rou1e 128. Ha rri son. OH. 45030: 68. 137. 143. 166. 173 Harold L. (Sophomore). Marcus A. (Fresl1man). 308 Laural S1.. cashmere. WA. 988 15: 123 . 255 . Wal te r (Facul 1y). I 03 Pleasant View Rd .. Searcy. AR. 72 143: 32. Po ss. Debra (Slaff). 4 1o Vine St.. Judsonia. AR. 7208 1. Po ulian . L aron D. (Fresl1man) . 832 Brookwood Pl. Valdosta. GA. 3 160 I : I 23. 234 . Po unds Pe t ty 1 0 RClllC<' Larisa E. (Junior). 3424 Kings M ill Rd .. Oakman. AL. 35579: 86. 150. Stan ley B. (Sophomore). Rt. 5. Box 247B. G reenville. TX. 75402: 10 1. Po w e ll M icl1ael L. (I ISBS). 304 Brandon Dr.. Beebe. t\ R. 720 12 Robert M. (Senior). 706 Cou ll e r. Sl1erwoocl . AR. 72 I I 6: 68. 264 . s1eplia11ic J. (Senior). 16232 1\ve. venus10 Un i1 A. San Dif>go. CA. 92 128: 68. 260. Ve lma (Sophomore). HI. 2 Box 2 12. Euclora. AR. 7 1640 Wendy Dawn (Junior). Rt. 1. s 1ockpon. OH. 43787. Whi lney Audra (Sopl1omore). 61 12 Came l ia Ln .. l:lart lell. TN. 38 134: JO I . 154, 158. Pow e rs. James F.. Jr. (Fresl1man). 13812 Acoro S I. . Cerr itos. CA. 9070 I : I 23. Pra re r . Brook Anne (Sopliomore). I IC 75. Box 575. Haworth. OK. 74740; 10 1. 153. 159. Prrnt . G ina R. (Freshman). 6007 Bro0dmeadows. Mi l ling1on . TN. 38053: I 23. Predm o re. Dezzie Elanea (Senior) Pressle r . Brencla Lee 1sopl1omore). Rt. 3. Box 2 18. Naslw ill e. AH. 71852 . Prcs ro n . James J. (Fresl1man). 415 w . Wesson. El Dorado. AR. 7 1730. Pri ce Asl1lcy F. (Senior). 7979 1\ labama Hwy. 157. Cu llman. AL. 35057: 86, I 66. I 68. I 73. 188. 245. Derek D . (Junior). 4200 Mockingbird Ln .. Colleyvi ll e. TX. 76034: 14 7. 255. Emily S . (Freshman). 7979 Al Hwy. 157. Cu llman. A L. 35057: 123. 260 Randa ll L . (Freshman). 1552 Frencl1mans Bend Rd.. Monroe. LA. 71203: 123 . Priest Caro ly n (Facu li y). 1303 Deener Dr. Searcy. AH. 72143 Dean (Slaff). 1303 Deener Dr.. Searcy. ,.\. R. 72143: 13. 187. Prince Down M. (Sophomore) . 409 Starborough. League City. TX. 77573: I 0 I . 25 1. Ka 1liy t \nn (Senior). P 0. Box 2 163. Searcy. AR. 72 145. Shane M. (Junior). 409 Starborough. League Ci 1y. TX. 77573. Tra\ ·is T. (Senior). r 060 Jackson 7. Bracl forcl. AR. 72020. Pri or Anne11 e R (Senior). P. o. Box 5. Impe rial. NE. 69033: 68. 149. I 66. I 67. 169. I 73 . Mark A . (Junior). 12 \Nildwood Dr.. Bcdforcl . MA. 0 1730: 255. Prir c hard . Wi ll iam Deryk (Senior). P. o. Box 22 1. A lloll la. TX. 75551 : 68. I 73 Pri ven . Susan P. (Freshman). 6640 Du11l1arn . Downers Grove. IL. 6051 6 . Priv itt . Rachael L. (Junior). 216 1 Ruskin A\ ·e .. Thousand Oaks. C t\. 91360: 86. 150. 2<J5 . Proce ll . Br<mclon B . (Sophomore). 7907 s . (!J::, 994 Wo,/d Cu µ sonw cu1Hµc'1'1on was µlayt'ct in 1/1e l 'n ilec/ s101Cs. Ti lf' U.S. 1Com ploy ect Brazil OUl IOSI J -() ill Il le St'CO/l ci /'01 1/lr:I. Brozil octuunced to til t' f inals 011(1. in the f inal gom e. J J/oyecf l tuly for the chomµionsh iµ . An estima ted 2 b illion people worlctwide u 101cl1ecl Bruzil /Ju Ille llaly 10 u O-<> tiefor 120111in 111es at thef illal gome p loyecl ill the Rose Bowl. Bruzil won 3-2 in u sh ootolll. Pllotu courtesy of R,\ I P llO IO Sen1iC<'. I/JC. Pinewoocl . Pinc B lu l i. AR. 7 1603 : I o I . 184. 264. Prock Charlene 1s1aff). 27 Harding Dr.. Searcy. AR. 72143: 44. Clifford (Facul ty). 27 Harding Dr.. Searcy. AR. 72143 . Karm Dianne (Grd Educ) . Procror Gregory S. (Junior). 3400 Park Ap1 #2 118. Plano. TX. 75075; 229. 261. Wi ll iam Lance (Senior). 3400 Park Apl #2 I I 8 . P~no.TX. 7507~229 . Prue tt . Amy E. (Junior). 51 1 1 Indigo. Houston. TX. 77096: 86 . Pruitt Amy S . (Freshman). Rt. 2. Box 399D. MOITi ll on. AR. 72 1 I O: 262 . Mark (S laff). 2600 Oak Meadow Place. Searcy, AR. 72 143 Micl1ael (Facu lt y). 18 Wl1irc Oak Cr.. Searcy. AR 72 143: 3() . Pryor Neale (Slaff). 13 Ha rd ing Dr . Searcy. AR. 72 143: 11 . 150. ·n·eva (Facul 1y) , 13 r rarc ling Dr.. Se0rcy. AR. 72143. Pug ll Li ncla S (Grcl EcluC) . Mi ca (Sopl1om o re). I-IC 06. Box 395. B lue Ridge. GA. 30513. Pumpl1rcy, Jeremy J. (Freshman). 16239 Co. Rd . 28. Summerdale. AL. 36580: 123 . Purse ll A lan J. (Senior). P. 0. Box 504 , Heber Springs. AR. 72543: 68. Paul T. (Senior). P. 0. Box 504. I reber Springs. AR. 72543: 68. 260. Pylkas . Arnold (S taff). 102 s . C: l la. Searcy. AR 72 143: 44. Qua n . Carla Morie (.Junior). P. 0 . Hox 9723. Sarna Ri1a, Guam. 96915: 86. 262. Quig ley. Wil liam Ma 11 1lew (Junior). 1504 Braided Hope. Ausrin. TX. 78727: I 0 I . I 66. 223. 226. 265. Quino nez. Ana Lorena (Fresl11112m). 5 Ave. 2-48. Zone 9. Quc tza ltenago. Gua1ernala: 123. Quint ero. Se lenia Solcclad (Senior). Iglesia de Cris10. 0panaclo 464. Managua. Nic0ragua: 68 Rackl ey. James (Facu lt y). I 004 N . James. Searcy. t\ R. 72 I 43: 20. Rad ab a ugh . Dona ld t\. (Junior). 28033 Wa l1 z Rd .. New Bos1on. M l . 48 164: 86. 263. Racle liffc. Ch ris Noel (Juni r). 2 I 402 Penmar. Ma1oaca. VA. 23803: 86. 179 Rad e r Josh D . (Sopliomore). 955 w. Valley Riclge. DeSOIO. TX. 75 1 15: I 23. 253 . Robert z. (Senior). 955 w. Valley R iclge. DeSoto. TX. 751 15: 68. I 73 . Ragsct<i le. Sco11 (Facu ll y) . 120 r E. Moore. Searcy. AR. 72 143: 40. 229 . Ra ic h a r1. Micl1elle Lynn (Junior). 608 Ar ling1o n Ave .. Naperville . IL. 60565: 86. 153. 25 1. Ra iley. K<ircn M. (Sopl1omore). I 130 wcs1em Springs. Ka ty, TX. 77450: 86. 250. Ra ines. Jomes R. (Sopl1omore). 325 Wylie D r.. Ba1on Houge. LA 70808: I o I . 158. 246. Ra ins. Vicki L. (Grcl Educ) . Ra inwa ter. t\shley B. (.J u n ior). P. 0 . Box I 086. Jay. OK. 74346: 86. 149. 252. 256 . Ra 111e r . Tllomas w . (Fresl1111an ). I 04 Kengsway. WeSI Mempl1is. AR. 7230 I : 123. 259. H;i niirez. Carmen ll ' acul!y). 200 Hc rmi1age Dr.. Searcy. AR. 72143 . Ra 111os. Terry Dean (Senior). 4525 N . I 1rh Ave .. Pl1oe11ix. AZ. 850 13: 68 Ram pey Bryan L. (Fresl1man). 10947 S . 209111 E . 1\Ve .. B roken r\rrow. OK. 740 14: 223 . Dav ie! T. (Freshman). 8604 S. Fawnwood Ct .. Broken ;\JTOW. OK. 740 I I : 123. Kyle R. (Fres l1man). I 0947 S. 209tl1 E. t\Ve .. Broken t\rrow. OK. 740 14: 123. Ram sey James Don (Specia l) Racl1el A. (Freshman). 33 Io Timber V iew Dr.. Sugarlancl. TX. 77479: 5. 123, 153. 158. I 96. m 1111scycr . Lisa Lynne (Grd Ecluc) Ran a. Ryan L. (Fresl1ma11). I 12 I C l1erokee. Newport. AR. 72 I I 2: 123 . Ran ce Ka ren M. (Sen ior). 9902 Fawn Brook D r. . Jackson v ille. FL . 322S6: 68. Quen1in w. (Senior): 68