Fres/1rncn. s uc/1as Jessica 5zei(l/er. Tracy Sipkowski . Shcumon Berryhill ancl .\lo lly .\la(Jc/en . shore th<' first ofmany spring CTO!JS to rumens t/Je!J complete tli cir yc·r1rs o t 11orclin(] l'nit i<'l'<>ity. LUZ!J <loys often were inrorporated w ith s1wncli119 qua/il!J time wi1h fricn( /s o n ill<' jmlll /own . P/Jo 10 l>y .lrnncs 1\1/<'11 . Madison . r\R. 72359. Muir . Hea1 11er L . (Junior). 2630 w oods Blvcl .. Lincoln . NE. 68302. :O.lul lican . Ca tl 1erine E . (t=resi1man1. Ht. 4. nox 30r \ . C lyde. NC. 2872 I: 12 I . 138. 168. .\l ullillS Danie l R !Sen ior). GO l0 Semina ry Rel.. Snty rna. TN. 37 167. Kimberly C. (Freshrm111). 4235 1\ rnber. Mempl1is . TN . 3 8 I I I : I 2 I . I 59. Kymb r ly R. (Sophomore). 20 Barksci a le Dr.. Searcy A R. 72 143. Ma 11l1e w Tocld (Freshman). 55 New1o n Kidge Dr.. ,O\ 'ing1on. GA. 30209: I 2 I . 154. 158. 159. Scarl e tt S . (Grd Edu ). 19 13 Cres1\•iew Dr.. Jo nesboro. AR. 7240 1. Munoz . Flor Ce les te (Freshman 1. 24 A\ '. 6 -43.Zama 6. Gua temala . .ua1ema la: 122. i\lurga1royc l. James Ha rry (Grd EclucJ . . l\1urpll~' Amy Cl1ris1ine (Junior) . 5907 Bristlecone Cl . St. Louis. MO. 63 129: 33. 84. I 73. 259 . Brandon D . (l=resl1man) . P. 0. Box 42 7 . lmlJOCle n . AH. 72434: 122. I randon L . 1Fr<;>s l1man1. 1 1 1 1lo liday Te rr.. Searcy. AR. 721 43: 122 . Ka rl D. (Fresl1man1. HH 4. Box I 58. Brownwood . TX . 7G80 1: 155. 158. Lana Re n ee (Senior) . 5 0G countrysicle. Junn io n Ci1y. KS . G644 I . . rvl indy L. (.Junior) . 25 17 E . Main. Ba tesville. AR . 7250 1: 233. Murray G lenn (I 15B5). 50G . LOCUS!. Scare~'. AR. 721 43. Lamben (Facult y) . 5 co11o nwoocl. Searcy. AR. 72143: 39 . atasl1a J. 1Fresl1man1. 3 18 Lake St .. Forrest Ci ty. AR. 72335: 122. 145. 153 . Na tl 1a11 E. (Fresl1ma n ). 5 Cott o nwoocl Dr.. Searc~ · ..A.R . 72 143 . Murrie . Dan iel C layto 11 (Senior). 782 Cedar Creek Rd .. i\la kancla. IL. G2958: GG. I G6. I 73. 2G5 . ~l urrin . Je ffrey i\1. (Senior) . 5G33 S . Zunis. n1lsa. OK. 74 105: GG. 252 . Muse . Angela Mart in (Grcl Educ). i\. lusic Department. 3 1. J\ lusic k . Jane {Staff). 27 Da lewood. Searcy. 1\H . 72143 il.t yc rs Amber J. (Fresl1man). 945 Fores1 t\cres Cl .. Naslmlle. TN. 37220: 122 . 2G5. Andrew S . (r-reshrnan ). 12 16 '· E. 74th Te rr.. G lads1one. MO. 64 11 8. Caroly n Dc1\nna 1sopl1omore): 1 oo. I 11 ct <-' x 296 Derek D . (Sophomore). 1077 s. 30111 S1 .. 11ea 111. 0 11 , 4305G: I 00. 154 Eclwarci (Facult y). 2790 w . Cournry Cl ul ) Rel .. Searcy. AR. 72 143 : 20. E1J1an (Sophomore). 38 17 E. E\'C rglacle. Oc lessa. TX . 70762 . Gina Ade le (Special ) Ryan A. (f"resl1man). 66626 Eas1ga1e Dr.. Cambridge. OH. 43725: 122. 263 . Tami Rac he le (Grcl Educ). 520 '· .+7th . Ft. Smith . r\R. 72903. My l1an Jerry (Facu lty). 7 Foxboro. Searcy. :\R. 72 143: 28. Dianne (Sta l f). 7 Foxboro. Searcy. t\H . 72 I 43. My ri c k t\ngic M . (Fresl1man). 6019 Sutherland. l)• ler. TX . 75703: I 00. I 08. 250. ls ha (Facult y) . GO 19 Su tl1erland. Ty ler. TX. 75703. Kr is ti i\1. (J uni or). GO 19 Su1herland. l)'I r. TX . 75703: 84. Nagy . Mic l1ae l (Sp ecial ). Na il. Ralph L . (Fresl1man1. P. o . Box 1GO. Cullman. A L. 3505G: 122. Nai ll ing. Lore tt S1roucl 1Grc1 Educ1. Na than . Ronda Patricia (Fresl1man ). P. o. Box 965. Ve ro Beach . FL . 329G 1: 122. 138. Navarro . C lauclia L. (Sopl1omore1. m ericas #270 9 1920. vc-racruz Ver.. Mexico: I 00. 2 17. 25G. Ne{I J Colby A . (Sophomo re). 12 1ow "'2nd. Nort h Lilli e Rock . AR. 721 18: I 00. 259 . Donald w. (Senio ri . #G Kirkca ldy Dr.. HiwassC". AR. 72739: 5 . .+I . GG. 155. Wilfred A ll an (Seni on. G Nurse Findley Cres .. Beli ze C it) '. Beli ze: 6 173 . Nee ly .\ ·J LI i r I () N () r r /1 c [( ( I / \ my Betl 1 (J=reshman ). 8300 Dog Leg n cl. . Dayton . 0 11. 454 t .+: 2so. Christo1lier13 . (Junior). l::S300 IJog Leg He! .. Day ton. 0 11. 454 14: 85. 2 13. Robert Chri s tian (Sopl1omore). 8300 Dog Leg Hd .. LJ<1y10 11 . 0 11 . 45..J. I 4 : I CX) . 2().J. Nerf Lisa R. (Fres l1man 1. Rt 13. Box 687. Bedford. IN. 4742 1: 248. S1epl1anie M . (Sen ior) . 19267 E . C lear Creek w ay. Parker. CO. 80 13 4 : 6G. I 73. 26.+. 265 Neigl1bors-Duncan . Cris1y ,ai l (Senior) . I 095 Hiram Rd .. I Jebcr Springs. AR. 72543. ;'lc il . Paul r\ . (Fresl1111a n ). 5 1 15 Prin e Phillip Cove. B rentwoocl. T ' · 37027: 122. 229. 255 . Neller. Kenne- th (Facul1y1. 900 Merrit S t .. Searcy. A R. 72143: 20. I GO. 267 . NC'lms. Ke\' in s. (Sopho m o re). 325 Du\'all. Lewisville . TX. 750G7: 100. 229. Nelson Gregory A. (Sophomore). 420G 11erncto 11 . c rpus Cllristi . T X . 7841 I : 229. Kerry Wayne (Senior). G7 to \'enus Dr.. Temple. TX . 76502: 6G . Rona lcl (Junior). 7241'3 Cournry Clui) F'kwy., Mt. Lciure l. NJ. 08054: 4 . 85. I GO. 223 . Tonya L. (Junior). H1. I . 13ox 300- . Vincc rn . 0 11. 4578.+. NcsJ) it1 1\lan w. 1se11ior). 7 18 1\ng le Hicigc. Garlancl. TX . 7504 3 : G6. 158. I 70. 1\mc 1l1ys1A . 1sopl1omore). 1G18 s . Hug lles. Amarillo . TX . 79 102: J00. 149. I 58. 248. Debra L. (J uni or): 15 Neuensc l1wancler. Cl1ris 1\ . (Senior) . 3943 Faunsda le Dr.. MO!ltgomery. AL. 3G 1 09: 66. 13 1. 173. 259. Newby. Jon .ii (Grcl Ecluc1. Ht. 4. ~ox 188. carno n. TX. 73 103: 229. Newhouse . Emil y D. (Freshmcin ). 40 I Dale Dr.. Mc Kinney. TX . 75069: 122. Nt'WSOlll Barbara 1s1a lf). 9 Crn l1y Dr.. Se<:lrC)'. A R. 72 I 43: 44. Janna K . (Fres llman). 109 Cllu lCI Vista. E l Dorado . AR. 71730: 122. 252 . Me lanie Ly nn (Junior). P. o. Box 57G. Cent e rvill e. U \ . 70522: 85. 158. I 67. Me lissci Lee 1Fresl1man). P. o . Box 20G. Boyle. MS. 38730: 122. Newton . Peggy (Spec ial) . Ng. A ll en L. (Freshman). 6 757 Black 1\.vig Coun . Hi\'("rcla le. GA. 30274 : 154. 158 Ni ch o ls HOii\ ' Miclwllc (J uniOt'I. 60 I u,·e OClk . Scare)'. AR . 72 143 ; 85, 250. James (I ' acuil y). GO t U\'e CMk . semcy. AR. 72 143: 27. Jonatllf'lll D . (FrC'sl1ma n J. Rt. 3. n ox 405. West Po int. MS . 39773 : 122 Lottie (StCl ll ). 6 Jenny L~·nn Dri\'e. Searcy. Al . 72 143. Nic l1o lson . Nicole L. 1r:resllrnall). 26.+ l Alvamar. Sl1revepon. LA. 7 1 I OG: 122 . 250. N ic kel s C l1rys1a l L . (Juni o r) . 3 ln( li an lrail . s arcy. AR. 72 143: 85. 153. 159. 254. 267. Tamara A. (Fres lm1a n ): 122 . 248. TolJ<:'y (Sta lf). #3 1ncl ia11 Trail. Scare)'. AR. 72 143. Nickols 13randy M . (Fresl 11na n ). 4232 Corral Dr.. Da ll as. TX. 7523 7: 122. 188. 260 Wendy H . (Junior). 4_32 corrci l Dr.. Dallas. TX. 75237 : 85. I 68, 2.+8. Nieman . KC\'in T. (Fre ' llman ). 787 1 Wa rd Blvd.. Arpin. \'\'I. 544 1(); I 22. I G3. 229 . Nisbe11 . 1\111y L aura (Junion. 802 Crnmon SI .. Grcerl\'i ll e. MS. 3870 1: 85. 259. 265. Nisl1ida . Kcnji (Senior). 11-5 Ue<ici sc t1ome. Ma1subara-sl1i . Osaka 580. .J apan : GG . 15 7 . Nissing Jill s . (J unior) . 20 14 Oherhe lrnan Hcl .. Foris1e ll . MO. 633.+8. .Juli e H . (Juni o r) . 20 I 4 O l)erhclm1111 Hcl. . Fori te ll . MO. 63348. Noal1 . .Jo l111 (S taff). .+08 11wy. 385 N .. Judsonia. AR. 72081 : 123. 256. Noble. Mo ll y (S taff). 1309 E. MC1 rkc1. Searcy. AR. 72 143. Noel. Tl1omas R. (Fresl1ma n ). 7102 Ccipe Cod Cl .. LOUiS\ 'illC'. KY. 402 14: 122 Nokes C l1arles Russe ll (Senio r) . 7 DalewoocJ. Sem y. AR. 721.+3 . Lisa B . (Senion . 6 Lant c- rn I Jill Rd .. Little Rock. 1\R , 72207. Morgan M . (Junior). 7 Dalewootl . Searcy. AR. 721 43 . Nooner . f{c iXYca L. (Sen ior). Rt. 2. nox 343. HiSOl l. AH. 71 GG5: 6G. 151 . I cm. 259. 263. 267. N<mncin . Ky le (Frcslm1rn1). Box 298 . Mayp earl . TX . 7G0()4. .~orris Anc lrC"w J. (Sopl1omorC). 200 s . 850 west. n ensselacr. IN. 47978: 13 1. Hill y S. (SopllomorC). SClticlra C. !Specia l). NorillCutl. Wencl ~ · L. (Sophomore). 2c;o7 Forest View llr.. 1\nt iocl 1. TN. 3701 :~: 85 . 13 8. 150. I GO. I G2. 205. 256. 267.